Hi all,
I purchased a used tub last year and it has a chinese system in it (KL8-3 - see pic attached)

From what I remember it seemed to work ok last year but if I am honest I have a stapled together manual that just doesn't make sense and I don't know if it was ever set up properly.
Anyway, since filling the tub up again recently I set it to preheat to 37 degrees in which it done fine
I then set what I thought was constant heat making it heat to a degree or 2 over and cool to 2 degrees under before kicking in again
However it seems to run for a hell of a long time and sometimes it takes me to turn heat on and off again just to ensure it stops running unnecessarily.
I am pretty sure it isn't faulty in any way, I just don't think I have it set up right
I did try to set it to preheat but the problem is being in the UK the whether doesn't help the tub stay warm very well, 1 preheat a day just doesn't seem to be enough.
If anyone can help me and explain it a little more I would be so greatful!
Thanks in advance