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Author Topic: Newbie owner - maybe its broke  (Read 5097 times)


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Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:16:41 pm »
Hi Gang,

I just had a friend give me their old hot tub - it's a Coast Spa up here in Canada.   I think it's made by Northwest Spas tho .....
Northwests Model Number is a KNDH-40 ..... I think they got it in 2009.  They say they drained it and then left it alone but
it hasn't run for a year and a half.  Doh !

I just hooked it up and filled it two days ago - the static test seems happy and I just energized it today.  However, the control
panel is showing ICE and Pr for prime but when I try to turn on the pumps the relay is working but the pumps don't turn on at all.

If you power up the tub both pump lights come on, always ..... if I turn off pump one press 2'xs it comes back on.  The same goes
for pump 2 if you press the keypad to turn it off it comes back on as well.

So my newbie guess is: either they're not getting power or they're frozen up or seized, so my main question is:
Can they be tested while in the spa or will I have to pull the pumps to check?

Pump one at the back is a Waterways PF-30-2N22C and the one at the front is a Waterways Executive 56. 
The control system is a Balboa CS504SZU.

I guess if I have to pull the pumps close the shutter gates in the lines and pull it out and try to bench test it?   
Any suggestions?  I did put a meter on all the fuses and they're happy.  Do you think I should check for power
at the panel plugs in the Balboa control?   Any other suggestions are welcome since I'm a newbie hot tub owner ......


Hot Tub Forum

Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:16:41 pm »


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Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke - AUTO PRIME?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 05:56:29 pm »

Does anyone know the start up procedure for a Northwind's spa?  A friend of mine suggested that it might be priming and just leave it for ten minutes. 

When I power it up both pump lights on the control panel come on by themselves and they CAN'T be turned off.  If you try to turn pump 1 off with two
button presses it will go off for a few seconds and then the light comes back on.  Button two does the same thing but it only takes one press to turn it off.
It's also displaying the word ICE but the temps have been well above freezing and the side access panel was open to a 20 deg sun for 2 days.

The manual is crap as usual because it was written for a generic tub model so its useless ..... it says:  " Your spa will enter Priming Mode (Pr) when it is energized.
During Priming Mode, press “Jets” button repeatedly and be sure the pump is free of air. Priming Mode lasts less than 5 minutes. Press “Temp” to exit. After Priming Mode, the spa will run in Standard Mode (see Mode section). Some panels may not have a “Temp” button. On these panels the “Set,” “Warm,” or “Cool” buttons are used. "

With my tub with energized both lights come on by themselves and just sit there and the tub makes no noise at all. 



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Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2015, 07:28:34 pm »
Ice is a code for cold water. Usually anything under 40 or 45 degrees

Kev B

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Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2015, 10:00:39 am »
 If ICE comes on, the pumps generally come on until water hits above 49 degrees F. If there is no motor humming I would check the 30 amp slow blow fuses located on or near the circuit board for continuity, they will pop when the pumps come on if they are frozen and not spinning. Pumps must be thawed out before you are able to use it.....put a shop lamp or very small space heater in the equipment area being careful not to burn anything.


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Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2015, 08:03:55 pm »
Hi Guys,  thanks for the info .........

The ICE light came on only for a short time so I think it's because the water was v.cold.  It's not on now, but the two pump lights on the display are lit up and glowing but there's no answer from the pumps - they're not running at all.  The manual says that's "priming mode" but the guide says you should be able to turn on and off the pumps till it's primed.  They should actually run! Right!?   

The odd thing to me is the lights come on and you can't get them to stay off if you try too.  I drained the tub again yesterday and pulled the front pump - WaterWays Exec 56 and it looked OK no cracks, damage to the pump or the motor, spins cleanly, no binding on visual inspection.

Maybe the next step is to take the pumps to a shop to get them tested?? ..... As for the temps I'm pretty sure nothing is frozen we had highs of 60 and lows of 40 for the past week so the chances of something actually being frozen shut are slim to none I think?  (grin)

What do you think, should I meter out the outputs of the board first at the plug in's for the pumps or just take both pumps in to a shop to get them checked?? 

Thanks again for the suggestions and tips!



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Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2015, 06:17:41 pm »
Coast Spa makes a Northwind hot tub, not Northwest. It is still manufactured by Coast, just has a different warranty and some options than the regular Coast brand.

Go here http://www.northwindhottubs.com/ and click "Find a dealer".

You can call your local dealer and have them take a look at it.

Hope that helps!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Newbie owner - maybe its broke
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2015, 06:17:41 pm »


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