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Author Topic: '09 Vanguard Protection Mode  (Read 7147 times)


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'09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:47:08 pm »
My '09 Vanguard has gone into protection mode 3 times this week.  It first happened a couple of months ago after there was a "hot tub party" one weekend while we were away and I that chalked up to some of the dirtiest filters I have ever seen...  took over a week to clear and balance the water after that, but all has been well since then -- until now.   Is there anything I can/should check before calling a tech?

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'09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:47:08 pm »


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Re: '09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2015, 12:12:58 pm »
Since nobody had a better idea, I called the dealer to come take a look, and the tech said it was certainly the heater because when he touched it, it nearly burned his fingers and he says the heater should never get that hot...  So nearly $600 and 2 days later it trips again and needless to say I'm not a happy camper!  Now he's "pretty sure" it's a control head which will be pretty much the same price as the new heater!!  I'm not exactly jumping with joy at something like $1,200 in repairs less than a year after the warranty expired... 

I still have the heater he took out last week and I'm thinking I'm going to tell him to put that back in and return the new one to his inventory for credit against the control head he's guessing is the problem this time.  It sounds reasonable to me -- I mean at $600 a week in repairs I might as well go looking for a whole new tub!  Am I barking at the moon, or do you think a reputable dealer should be willing to take back an expensive - less than week old - part that they installed needlessly?


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Re: '09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2015, 01:50:02 pm »
Since nobody had a better idea, I called the dealer to come take a look, and the tech said it was certainly the heater because when he touched it, it nearly burned his fingers and he says the heater should never get that hot...  So nearly $600 and 2 days later it trips again and needless to say I'm not a happy camper!  Now he's "pretty sure" it's a control head which will be pretty much the same price as the new heater!!  I'm not exactly jumping with joy at something like $1,200 in repairs less than a year after the warranty expired... 

I still have the heater he took out last week and I'm thinking I'm going to tell him to put that back in and return the new one to his inventory for credit against the control head he's guessing is the problem this time.  It sounds reasonable to me -- I mean at $600 a week in repairs I might as well go looking for a whole new tub!  Am I barking at the moon, or do you think a reputable dealer should be willing to take back an expensive - less than week old - part that they installed needlessly?

Usually there would be no returns on parts but if he misdiagnosed it then that's on him.  Sounds like the tech you hired doesn't know his @ss from his elbow.  Before spending another dime I would have someone else look at it

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: '09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2015, 02:14:03 pm »
He might have been wiser to conclude the water was flowing too slowly through the heater causing it to get so hot meaning maybe the circ pump wasn't running optimally so wanting the old heater returned and the new one restocked is logical.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 02:15:54 pm by Hot Spring Ace »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: '09 Vanguard Protection Mode
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2015, 02:14:03 pm »


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