I am in the market for my first hot tub and had some questions. I am looking at the marquis 660, hot spot relay and tempo, mira 800nl and lastly the hot spring pulse.
The marquis 660 has the nice multi level seating but the dealer has models without the full foam insulation. He said he could order one with full foam but highly recommends against it as he claims it will not make much of a difference in energy savings because the 660 is well insulated already.his argument is if there is a leak the full foam has to be removed anyways and increases labor. He says the key is the cover and with marquis standard partial insulation I wouldn't notice a significant difference in energy savings.
Question 1 - I am concerned on this because I live in upstate new York with cold winters. Is this dealer correct or what would be potential energy savings per month by upgradung to full foam?.
Question 2 -I have looked at the Mira 800nl any comments with pros and cons on this tub?
Question 3 - how does the marquis 660 or 545 size up against the hot spot lines relay and tempo?
Question 4 - the hot spring limelight pulse spa is nice but doesn't seem worth the price I was quoted 9500 which seems very high. I have read a lot of negative reviews about the light system and most reviews of the ace salt system leans me towards standard chlorine treatment. I know hot springs in general has a good reputation but what would be considered a reasonable price for that tub?
Any feedback on pros and cons of these tubs are appreciated but please try and address each of my questions while voicing your opinion.