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Author Topic: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira  (Read 12185 times)


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Hi all, we have decided to buy our first hot tub and have done some research and shopping around. We have narrowed it down to a few different ones:

One is a Dimension One Wayfarer for $5995 - 2 years free financing, 3 year pump, pluming, heater, equipment warranty
Dynasty Spinnaker for $5460  - no financing deals, 5 year equipment warranty but the last 2 years are 50% pro rate
Mira M700 for $5499 - no financing deals, not sure on the warranty (forgot to ask)

All include delivery, stairs, cover, lift, and chemicals. We are very torn between them and just wondering what peoples opinions are. This is the price range we are at AND it must have neck and shoulder jets.

From what I can tell D1 is the best name, dynasty is very mixed if not poor reviewing, and Mira I have no idea because there isnt alot about them out there but it seems like a quality tub.

Whats is your guys opinion on these tubs? Any help is much appreciated because this is our first tub and this is very overwhelming!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 01:19:31 pm by dominance9 »

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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 01:07:46 pm »
Any opinions anyone? Any help much appreciated!


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 02:09:25 pm »
To steal a line from you "D1 is the best name, dynasty is very mixed if not poor reviewing, and Mira I have no idea". I've never even heard of the last one.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 09:57:39 pm »
Point taken lol

Are these even decent prices?


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 07:37:10 am »
I was a 10 year Dynasty owner.  My dealer went under after 3 years. During the remaining years I depended on customer service from the factory that pretty much went non-existent the last few years.
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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2015, 01:45:29 am »
I was a 10 year Dynasty owner.  My dealer went under after 3 years. During the remaining years I depended on customer service from the factory that pretty much went non-existent the last few years.

Was it pretty reliable or did you have lots of problems?


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2015, 07:39:19 am »
I was a 10 year Dynasty owner.  My dealer went under after 3 years. During the remaining years I depended on customer service from the factory that pretty much went non-existent the last few years.

Was it pretty reliable or did you have lots of problems?

I think I replaced one pump once, the other one twice, the jets began to fail one at a time over the last few years . We did use it heavily for that 10 years.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 11:27:49 pm »
I was a 10 year Dynasty owner.  My dealer went under after 3 years. During the remaining years I depended on customer service from the factory that pretty much went non-existent the last few years.

Was it pretty reliable or did you have lots of problems?

I think I replaced one pump once, the other one twice, the jets began to fail one at a time over the last few years . We did use it heavily for that 10 years.

Is 10 years a respectable time for a hot tub to last? Sorry, Im such a newbie with all of this. I honestly do not know the average life of a good hot tub.


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2015, 11:33:52 pm »
I also wanted to mention this: Compared to most other tubs we have been looking at The D1 Wayfarer has alot of really small jets (and a few wasted seats). We can not wet test it and the small jets worry me that it will be a little "weak". Am I incorrect in thinking this? Does jet size not matter as much as I think it does?

I like the D1 name and it has a circ. pump and led package and a good warranty, so I know it makes the most sense to buy... but the jets / layout worry me. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 12:28:01 am »
I also wanted to mention this: Compared to most other tubs we have been looking at The D1 Wayfarer has alot of really small jets (and a few wasted seats). We can not wet test it and the small jets worry me that it will be a little "weak". Am I incorrect in thinking this? Does jet size not matter as much as I think it does?

I like the D1 name and it has a circ. pump and led package and a good warranty, so I know it makes the most sense to buy... but the jets / layout worry me. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Why did you narrow it down to those three?  Do you have any other option available?  Looks like your trying to stay in the 6k range. Caldera, marquis, hot spot, jacuzzi and sundance should all have options in that price point


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2015, 01:31:48 am »
I also wanted to mention this: Compared to most other tubs we have been looking at The D1 Wayfarer has alot of really small jets (and a few wasted seats). We can not wet test it and the small jets worry me that it will be a little "weak". Am I incorrect in thinking this? Does jet size not matter as much as I think it does?

I like the D1 name and it has a circ. pump and led package and a good warranty, so I know it makes the most sense to buy... but the jets / layout worry me. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Why did you narrow it down to those three?  Do you have any other option available?  Looks like your trying to stay in the 6k range. Caldera, marquis, hot spot, jacuzzi and sundance should all have options in that price point

We got to these 3 because we have been looking for good neck jets for me and good shoulder jets for her. Yes 6k or under ideally. Caldera and sundance I dont think we have a local dealer but i will double check. But we are going to see some marquis tubs saturday.  I wish hot spot and jacuzzi offered something more what we were looking for jet wise. We did see a x series Bullfrog tub that had what we were looking for, that may be a option?


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 07:41:46 am »
I was a 10 year Dynasty owner.  My dealer went under after 3 years. During the remaining years I depended on customer service from the factory that pretty much went non-existent the last few years.

Was it pretty reliable or did you have lots of problems?

I think I replaced one pump once, the other one twice, the jets began to fail one at a time over the last few years . We did use it heavily for that 10 years.

Is 10 years a respectable time for a hot tub to last? Sorry, Im such a newbie with all of this. I honestly do not know the average life of a good hot tub.

No worries about the questions, that is what we are here for.  Respectable is a good choice of words, it probably was.  We did enjoy that tub for 10 years. In retrospect, the main reason I bought it was it was the first reasonable offer made to be below the list price and I was tired of looking. Back then we had about 8 dealers here in my town.  My anti-Dynasty slant mainly comes from the horrible customer service from the factory of which one example was don't call them after 4pm on Friday. I use to get out of work at 4 and that was when I would call. I would be on hold for 30 minutes and then they would dump all the calls in the queue without answering them.   Since coming to  this forum after my purchase I've learned to look at different things and recognize there are better made tubs.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2015, 09:34:42 am »
I also wanted to mention this: Compared to most other tubs we have been looking at The D1 Wayfarer has alot of really small jets (and a few wasted seats). We can not wet test it and the small jets worry me that it will be a little "weak". Am I incorrect in thinking this? Does jet size not matter as much as I think it does?

I like the D1 name and it has a circ. pump and led package and a good warranty, so I know it makes the most sense to buy... but the jets / layout worry me. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Why did you narrow it down to those three?  Do you have any other option available?  Looks like your trying to stay in the 6k range. Caldera, marquis, hot spot, jacuzzi and sundance should all have options in that price point

We got to these 3 because we have been looking for good neck jets for me and good shoulder jets for her. Yes 6k or under ideally. Caldera and sundance I dont think we have a local dealer but i will double check. But we are going to see some marquis tubs saturday.  I wish hot spot and jacuzzi offered something more what we were looking for jet wise. We did see a x series Bullfrog tub that had what we were looking for, that may be a option?

I'm a huge Bullfrog fan.  The neck massage pack in the sport x line is great.  Great spas at a great price. 

I also like D1 best out of the other ones you mentioned.  They are an excellent manufacturer with a great reputation.  I wouldn't worry too much about small jets being weak.  That's not necessarily true.  Imagine what happens when you put your thumb over the end of a garden hose.  The opening gets smaller and the pressure increases. 

Dynasty and Mira are not widely considered top tier manufacturers.  D1 and Bullfrog are, as well as some that others have listed.

Good luck!


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2015, 10:32:09 am »
Thanks for the replys guys.

Haha I hear ya thats how we feel now, tired of looking! Whats funny is so far the Dynasty has had the best warranty out of everything we looked at: 20 yrs structure, 7 Shell / Finish, 5 years (3 years full coverage and last 2 years pro rated 50%) equipment and plumbing
Edit:(actually I just looked and the bullfrog A warranty is better, its 5 years full coverage and 10 yrs shell) but still, close

I do like the Bullfrog, alot actually. But the cheapest we can get into one that uses the interchangeable packs is about 7700. Not sure of the exact model but I think it had 4 packs.

The bullfrog i mentioned was just a normally jetted tub and it was 6300. It was just a normal x-series, not a sport x. He said its something new. That had about 6 seats I think, almost all were (rotating) massage jets and alot of them were BIG. It does have neck jets. That was about 6300.

The bullfrog line is new for this dealer, and they are the only dealer for them around. I dont know if these are great prices or terrible prices?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 10:37:53 am by dominance9 »


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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2015, 11:00:15 am »
Thanks for the replys guys.

Haha I hear ya thats how we feel now, tired of looking! Whats funny is so far the Dynasty has had the best warranty out of everything we looked at: 20 yrs structure, 7 Shell / Finish, 5 years (3 years full coverage and last 2 years pro rated 50%) equipment and plumbing
Edit:(actually I just looked and the bullfrog A warranty is better, its 5 years full coverage and 10 yrs shell) but still, close

I do like the Bullfrog, alot actually. But the cheapest we can get into one that uses the interchangeable packs is about 7700. Not sure of the exact model but I think it had 4 packs.

The bullfrog i mentioned was just a normally jetted tub and it was 6300. It was just a normal x-series, not a sport x. He said its something new. That had about 6 seats I think, almost all were (rotating) massage jets and alot of them were BIG. It does have neck jets. That was about 6300.

The bullfrog line is new for this dealer, and they are the only dealer for them around. I dont know if these are great prices or terrible prices?

I can't help you with Bullfrog prices but I will say they make a good tub.  The whole idea behind the BF is the jetpacks so not sure why you would get one without them.  I didn't even know they had a tub without them.  I'm a big Marquis fan but put BF in the top tier of tubs available.  They have made a number of improvements in the last few years

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Re: Trying To Decide Between Hot Tubs.... Dimension One / Dynasty / Mira
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2015, 11:00:15 am »


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