Hi, I have done alot of reading here and have some questions about Coast. I can see that alot of people are pretty neutral on them other than the design on the vanishing edge

. I'm just wondering why they're not more popular or if there just are not alot of dealers in the U.S. They seem to have all options of other big brands and they have larger pumps (real HP per their website and the dealer). Im not looking for to start a bashing thread but just wondering if there are any specific pros or cons with them. I'm in Canada and the Coast dealer i'm dealing with seems very good and follow-up service reviews are good.
Trying to decide between Coast Freedom Elite and a Sundance 780 (which seems alot more popular). Both are the same price but the Sundance is a floor model (with water in it). Neither dealer really seems to want to move on price stating the dropping Canadian dollar
I know pricing if difficult from place to place but can any one give me appropriate pricing on both of these in your area I would appreciate it.
I know the best thing to do is wet test and decide, but I was just looking for feedback as the wet tests are not likely an option.