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Author Topic: Buying used from a dealer vs Buying used from an individual? Going Crazy!  (Read 5474 times)


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This hot tub search is driving me nuts.  Ive looked at so many tubs now.  So many pros and cons.  Now its a Catalina thats loaded 2006 Refurb in immaculate condition.  but its 3,200 from a tub dealer.  That seems like a lot for an 11 yr old tub, but all the dealers are that much or more for any decent tubs.  Craigslist is driving me nuts with ppl not responding.  I have however found a Dreammaker crossover tub 1 yr old for $1900.  Its a Roto in great condition normally $4,300 new, bare bones.  120/240 conversion w a 3 hp pump.  Is it worth it to pay more for a dealer refurb tub, and is that a reasonable price to ask?  Here is the link to the Catalina.  Any advice would be appreciated.  This is the 4th or so post I've made.  Just can't seem to pull the trigger.


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This hot tub search is driving me nuts.  Ive looked at so many tubs now.  So many pros and cons.  Now its a Catalina thats loaded 2006 Refurb in immaculate condition.  but its 3,200 from a tub dealer.  That seems like a lot for an 11 yr old tub, but all the dealers are that much or more for any decent tubs.  Craigslist is driving me nuts with ppl not responding.  I have however found a Dreammaker crossover tub 1 yr old for $1900.  Its a Roto in great condition normally $4,300 new, bare bones.  120/240 conversion w a 3 hp pump.  Is it worth it to pay more for a dealer refurb tub, and is that a reasonable price to ask?  Here is the link to the Catalina.  Any advice would be appreciated.  This is the 4th or so post I've made.  Just can't seem to pull the trigger.


i have purchased a refurb from a dealer with the paper work showing all the parts that were replaced.  it was an older tub, with new pump and heater  i grabbed it for $500.  it had a small leak that i fixed with marine epoxy.  tub lasted for 3 years before i moved and i sold it with the house.

new place now so i decided to get a brand new tub.  $4,500 for the new joint. i would have loved to spend $500 again!!!! 

bottom line if the guts are good and the parts are relatively new then you should be ok.  if its a reputable dealer then you should be fine too.   i am a big fan of spending as little money as possible on new things until you are sure that you like them or that you are going to use them.  one never knows. 

i used my old beat up tub every day and i use my new one every day.  So for me to buy a new one was not that big of a consideration.  hope this helped


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Thanks for the response.  Thats exactly what I've been trying to do.  Find one cheap to see how much I want one.  At the same time, I hate to inherit a headache that will require much more work and money. 


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I think the best value although risky is buying used from the kiji/classifieds.

Just make sure you see it in operation and test the basic functions. Also ask a lot of questions.  Ie why are they selling? That way you can get a better idea of whether they are trying to sell you  a lemon. Much like buying a car

I picked up a 2014 Artesian grand Cayman for 2000 from kijiji and got lucky considering a new one was 13k where I am.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 10:47:08 am by MikeK157 »


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Wow, yea I'd be all over that. Great deal


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This hot tub search is driving me nuts.  Ive looked at so many tubs now.  So many pros and cons.  Now its a Catalina thats loaded 2006 Refurb in immaculate condition.  but its 3,200 from a tub dealer.  That seems like a lot for an 11 yr old tub, but all the dealers are that much or more for any decent tubs.  Craigslist is driving me nuts with ppl not responding.  I have however found a Dreammaker crossover tub 1 yr old for $1900.  Its a Roto in great condition normally $4,300 new, bare bones.  120/240 conversion w a 3 hp pump.  Is it worth it to pay more for a dealer refurb tub, and is that a reasonable price to ask?  Here is the link to the Catalina.  Any advice would be appreciated.  This is the 4th or so post I've made.  Just can't seem to pull the trigger.


aarron, stay away from things like that catalina. No offense to catalina but when you don't have a smooth flat top lip on a tub the cover never works optimum. Look for cheap and solid. The dreamaker roto fits this bill better. Remember cover and how it fits, solid frame or in some rotomold case design of the shell. Fiberglass reinforced acrylic is also good as long as it's thick and properly done. How comfortable are you tinkering with it? Buying parts online? PVC gluing and the like?


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I can certainly learn. The Catalina sold. I am now looking at an Artesian refurb for 2750 6-7 person and a Viking on CL that needs a pipe replaced. Hasn't run since last spring but only 200


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It goes both ways. If you bought a used hot tub off craigslist for $500, let's say ...and it needed a new cover ...and a pump, then had some leaks, well, then you probably didn't save a lot of money, depending on your ability to make the repairs. Then again, I looked at a lot of used hot tubs and you should be able to buy one that works for $500 ...just keep looking. Hopefully you'll get a good top with it. If the top is even a little good, then it'll buy you some time. Maybe you can get a new one ($400), or you could just pull out the foam pieces, rewrap with plastic, and buy a new cover (w/o foam --yes you can do tht for a lot less), and save some money there. If pumps don't intimidate you, they're rebuildable or you can find used ones on C/L too.

But if you want a worry-free experience and just want to start soaking and not be part of a long journey, probably getting one that has been serviced makes some sense ...even if it's used.  BTW, I got a 2006 for Free.. (needed a top though)

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