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Author Topic: Second tub: Feedback requested on Nordic Encore, Coyote Laredo, Coyote Reno  (Read 6241 times)


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So my first tub (Vita Caprice, purchased 2005) seems to have given up the ghost.  A repair tech looked at it and thinks one of the two pumps has seized, there are four leaks that need repairing and I think the heater element is fried.  I had already replaced the control board twice, second time with a Balboa control panel and board, but facing a repair bill of around $1000 and knowing many of the jets are old and getting ready to break, I'm thinking it's time to think about a new tub.

The dealer I'd like to go with has both Arctic and Nordic tubs in stock.  At present, I'm thinking about a Nordic Encore SE although I'll probably go do a wet test on it and a couple others next week.  Without the wet test, a couple of the Arctic tubs with their bucket seats look very inviting but the $4K difference in the price tag isn't as interesting.

I saw someone here with a cute aphorism about first time hot tub buyers want a huge tub for parties and family, second time buyers figure enough space for two is fine and everyone else can go get their own.  I'm definitely in that second camp although it doesn't seem like there's a huge savings from downsizing and I'm not too keen on the idea of changing water twice as often.

I'm also considering (albeit not that strongly) a swim spa as I know I could use the exercise but the longer length and increased cost seem daunting.

I would appreciate any USER comments about the Nordic Encore vs. equivalent Arctic models.  I don't want to get into any dealer wars.  I know there are other brands out there but the dealer I want to use is a vet and I haven't seen any data on quality differences that outweigh that factor (for me).
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 09:47:31 pm by Omnigeek »

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Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Second tub
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 06:49:28 pm »
Seems like you're trying to compare a Hyundai with a Mercedes.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Second tub
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2015, 07:14:25 pm »
You're not exactly comparing apples to apples but that's fine, part of this is determining if you want a premium spa or not and $4k is quite a difference. What I don't understand is the part about replacing the water twice as often. Is the Arctic dealer really telling you the Nordic requires a water change twice as often as the Arctic and if so what was the reasoning?
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Second tub
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2015, 09:52:13 pm »
You're not exactly comparing apples to apples but that's fine, part of this is determining if you want a premium spa or not and $4k is quite a difference. What I don't understand is the part about replacing the water twice as often. Is the Arctic dealer really telling you the Nordic requires a water change twice as often as the Arctic and if so what was the reasoning?

Ah, sorry, I was mixing topics.  On the Arctic vs. Nordic tubs, yes, the Arctic models clearly had more bells and whistles and I liked the design of the bucket seats (before the wet test anyway) but not sure I like them enough to make up for the price difference -- but I'm willing to hear opinions of Arctic users because I figure there might be other advantages to the tub design or construction that I'm missing.  If I bought a Mercedes, it would be for reasons other than leather seats ...  ;-)

On the water-changing bit, that was related to the aphorism about first time versus second time tub buyers and realizing I really only need a two-person tub.  I'm definitely in the camp of buying the tub for MY immediate needs rather than buying a larger one for family/friends to use but it doesn't look to me like there's a huge savings from downsizing like that and I was told a half-size tub will need to have its water changed twice as often.


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Modified the title because I'm looking specifically for feedback from users on the Nordic Encore SE, Coyote Reno, and Coyote Laredo.  Those seem to the be most interesting ones I've seen at the dealer I want to use.  The initial quotes I got were $6000, $6800, and $8500 respectively so the Reno seems to be the most tub for the money but the neck jets on the Laredo look pretty intriguing.


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Rosewoodsteel has an Arctic Klondiker. I know that’s not the specific model you are looking for, but he might be able to give you some insight on the Arctic line. There’s another fellow on here who is an Arctic dealer. I think he goes by “Water Boy”.


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where are you located? I have an Encore in the back I would love to move


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I'm in Colorado but I'm really looking for feedback from owners on their experiences with these tubs.  I think I know who I want to work with on these but would appreciate direct experience in using or owning these models.

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