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Author Topic: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub  (Read 11168 times)


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Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:33:46 pm »
So I've used Chlorine Bromine and hate them both.
Too stinky.
So there was some product at the Spa store that the gal said didn't contain either and was more natural.
Anyone care to comment about an alternative or should I just get some spa scented oil or something?

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Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:33:46 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 05:54:45 pm »
 We have had good luck with Rendezvous enhance and activate.   It's a bromide salt solution type product.  Might be worth a look.    FWIW if your chlorine level is too high your doing something wrong, specially if your using a mineral stick.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 06:39:49 pm »
So I've used Chlorine Bromine and hate them both.
Too stinky.
So there was some product at the Spa store that the gal said didn't contain either and was more natural.
Anyone care to comment about an alternative or should I just get some spa scented oil or something?

Your using chlorine wrong if it stinks.

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 06:43:04 pm »
So I've used Chlorine Bromine and hate them both.
Too stinky.
So there was some product at the Spa store that the gal said didn't contain either and was more natural.
Anyone care to comment about an alternative or should I just get some spa scented oil or something?

Add chlorine after each use.

Dr. Spaâ„¢ Ret.

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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2015, 08:30:28 pm »
Prolly needs shocking.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2015, 12:17:11 pm »
So more background on my Spa.
I have a Skimmer that has a place to put small tabs for sanitizer.
Now the sale guy just told me to keep that mostly filled, which is usually 6-10 small tabs.
I also have Spa Clear from Leslies I add after with are in.
But from what I've read and been told there is no way to get rid of the smell, thats just what you get from using that type of sanitizer.

Dr. Spaâ„¢ Ret.

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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2015, 01:07:38 pm »
Chlorine has little if any odor, when used at the rate required of pools and spas. The odor commonly called "chlorine smell", is actually chloramines, chlorine combined with ammonia. You can verify this by comparing the Total Chlorine against the Free Chlorine (Total - Free = chloramines) . The water needs to be shocked to break up the chloramines

Ahhhhh, wait... are you using chlorine OR bromine???? What "tabs" are you using? In order to get any useful help, you'll need to describe EXACTLY what you're using, and how you're going about using it.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 01:42:27 pm »
In Canada you have to use 1 of 2 recognized sanitizers; Chlorine or Bromine(salt generates Chlorine). These "other" products are lies.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2015, 02:46:55 pm »
Sorry, don’t agree. While it’s true that there are only two sanitizers that are “approved” for use in Canada, that does not mean there are not alternatives. And that does not mean that those alternatives are “a lie”. There are some people who simply can’t use either chlorine or bromine and for those people, if they want to use a hot tub, they need to use an alternative sanitizer.
I’m not going to get into a big debate here on what should or should not be used, I’ll just say to the OP that there are alternatives. You certainly don’t want to use something that is not going to do the job because sanitation in a hot tub is extremely important. Do your research and hopefully you can find something that works for you.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2015, 09:26:52 pm »
Auto feeders have a tendency to have a stronger chlorine type odor. They add chlorine/bromine when you don't have a demand for it, so it is slower burning/stinks more. If you add after each soak just enough to kill the nastys you just introduced, its easy to find alternatives to supplement in between soaks, after sanitation. MPS/Oxidizer, minerals, good Bacterias that eat bad bacterias. Then the different types of Ozone, UV, CD and how they are applied to the water. And yes some hocum out there to.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2015, 10:43:01 pm »
Chlorine has little if any odor, when used at the rate required of pools and spas. The odor commonly called "chlorine smell", is actually chloramines, chlorine combined with ammonia. You can verify this by comparing the Total Chlorine against the Free Chlorine (Total - Free = chloramines) . The water needs to be shocked to break up the chloramines

Ahhhhh, wait... are you using chlorine OR bromine???? What "tabs" are you using? In order to get any useful help, you'll need to describe EXACTLY what you're using, and how you're going about using it.
IF YOU SMELL THE WATER your pH and alkalinity are out of whack, and what you smell is the symptom causing the chemical of chlorine or bromine to "gas off the water", thus the smell.

Please tell us what your current alkalinity and pH reading are?

Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2015, 10:52:06 pm »
It sounds like he is using BROMINE (you don't use a "floater" with just Chlorine).  If he is using the pool chlorine then he's gonna have a lot of bad chlorine smell. So... what's the OP actually using, bromine?
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2015, 11:16:31 pm »
It sounds like he is using BROMINE (you don't use a "floater" with just Chlorine).  If he is using the pool chlorine then he's gonna have a lot of bad chlorine smell. So... what's the OP actually using, bromine?

Long time no see bunka


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2015, 06:41:20 pm »
Sorry, don’t agree. While it’s true that there are only two sanitizers that are “approved” for use in Canada, that does not mean there are not alternatives. And that does not mean that those alternatives are “a lie”. There are some people who simply can’t use either chlorine or bromine and for those people, if they want to use a hot tub, they need to use an alternative sanitizer.
I’m not going to get into a big debate here on what should or should not be used, I’ll just say to the OP that there are alternatives. You certainly don’t want to use something that is not going to do the job because sanitation in a hot tub is extremely important. Do your research and hopefully you can find something that works for you.

"Approved" then; Which to me sounds like the area of safe sanitation practice. Please enlighten me, what else can we safely use to sanitize bacteria in hot water?


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Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2015, 08:02:35 pm »
Sorry, don’t agree. While it’s true that there are only two sanitizers that are “approved” for use in Canada, that does not mean there are not alternatives. And that does not mean that those alternatives are “a lie”. There are some people who simply can’t use either chlorine or bromine and for those people, if they want to use a hot tub, they need to use an alternative sanitizer.
I’m not going to get into a big debate here on what should or should not be used, I’ll just say to the OP that there are alternatives. You certainly don’t want to use something that is not going to do the job because sanitation in a hot tub is extremely important. Do your research and hopefully you can find something that works for you.

"Approved" then; Which to me sounds like the area of safe sanitation practice. Please enlighten me, what else can we safely use to sanitize bacteria in hot water?

As I said in my post there are some people who simply can't use either chlorine or bromine. My wife is one of those people. She has some serious chemical sensitivities and neither of those chemicals are options. We have a friend who was using hydrogen peroxide in her tub. We tried it and quite frankly we love it. The two biggest concerns I've heard with using hydrogen peroxide are that it's expensive and it can be hard on the equipment. Well, I suppose it can be expensive, but we live in a major city and we can get it quite cheaply. Whether or not it is hard on equipment, only time will tell for us. But I can say that after almost one year of using hydrogen peroxide, I don't think I would want to use anything else even if we could.
I want to be clear that I'm not advocating its' use to anyone else. I'm just saying that for us it has worked out very well and we simply would not be hot tubbing without it. And while I recognize it's not approved for hot tub use in Canada or the U.S., it's my understanding that it is approved for use in hot tubs in Australia.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Best No Chemical For Hot Tub
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2015, 08:02:35 pm »


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