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Author Topic: New Sundance Optima Story  (Read 2482 times)


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New Sundance Optima Story
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:47:39 pm »
Bought a floor model Optima 2 years ago that was in great shape. Radio package and this fake stone package as well.
Worked well for the first year then the radio crapped out twice, fixed under warranty. One or more speakers crapped out several times. Fixed under warranty. Lights went out, fixed under warranty. And that was all in the first 1.5 years.
Last fall around October I noticed the radio was out again and only one speaker was working. The main lighting was also out again and one of the seats in the tub had some fading. I'm here in Texas and it gets hot in the summer but its always covered and I lower the temp keeping water in it was what I was told to do.
Anyway the place I bought it at was an OK place, none of these pool/spa dealers go out of their way and this place was just like that.
Anyway after being on the phone with the Spa service guy I asked if Sundance would just replace the Hot Tub for all the issues I've had with it. He didn't think so, but I would have to call them. So I did and the back and forth began. But after a month or so went by I got a letter in the mail saying Sundance Warranty was going to give me a brand new Hot Tub!!
So I just got the 2015 model Optima with the Radio package and the new Sunsmart WiFi.
At first Sundance wanted me to pay the difference between the two plus shipping and dealer setup, which was somewhere around $2,000. But after more negotiations on my part Sundance waved everything on their end. But of course the dealer wouldn't budge on the Spa Movers and some other fees which came to around $650. Not bad for a brand new spa.
Anyway it was delivered last week and I've got the BluRay new Stereo working and just got the WiFi app on my phone up and running today.
Great Customer Service from Sundance Spas......

Hot Tub Forum

New Sundance Optima Story
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:47:39 pm »


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Re: New Sundance Optima Story
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 04:29:34 pm »
I usually don't take issue with a Company when something goes wrong. That just sometimes happen. But what I look for is how they deal with problem. Lots of kudos to Sundance for how they dealt with your problems. And thanks as well for sharing you story. Quite often we only hear about the negatives, and when a Company steps up and does the right thing that deserves to be heard as well.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New Sundance Optima Story
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 04:29:34 pm »


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