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Author Topic: Sundance FLO problem  (Read 13292 times)


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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2015, 12:22:00 pm »
also its not clear to me right now whether the FLO indicator was ever a flashing indicator because what happened is that it would alternate between COOL and FLO.  I was not paying attention at the time to whether it was flashing FLO or not because at the time I was not aware of this distinction.  However the most recent event was definitely solid FLO indicator.  No response from buttons, stayed like that for 12 hours or so then after filter cycle everything seems to work ok again. 

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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2015, 12:22:00 pm »


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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2015, 01:40:09 pm »

Here is a picture of the filter door and compartment


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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2015, 02:08:18 pm »
And I found out that during this ordeal they did change the entire T flow switch part. 

So I think it kind of went like this historically:

  • Bought the used hot tub, seemed to be working fine
  • complained to them that the filter door was not really lifting up, it was just stuck all the way open, they stuffed a piece of foam into it, which kind of made it float almost too much, but I just shrugged and went with that for a while
  • At some point after that the FLO indicator came on and the hot tub cooled down until it was alternating display between FLO and COOL.  I do not know if it was flashing or solid FLO at that time.
  • They suggested I recycle the power breaker a few times, which did not fix anything
  • They came out and installed a flow switch and new circ pump, not neccessarily in that order.  There were several visits where they had the wrong part and had to come back or send someone and eventually they sent a third party who installed something and got it all working again, but between those visits, what I know is that they installed both a new flow switch (the entire T) and a new circ pump
  • It worked for a day or two and I left town.  When I came back the FLO indictor was on and alternating with COOL.  Not sure again if that was solid or flashing.
  • They came out again and theorized that they needed to reset the motherboard, so they took the jumper off the motherboard and reset it that way, which got it working again.  They me asked me if there had been a power outage while I was gone and I said yes there was and they told me their theory that power outages somehow cause sundance motherboards to get confused in terms of the flow switch
  • 6 hours later or so the FLO indicator came on again, solid.   The next morning I checked it again, FLO indicator still on and the main pump buttons not responsive
  • At noon the scheduled filter cycle came on and turned off the FLO indicator and heated up the hot tub to full temp again, after that hot tub has been running normally
  • Tech came by and removed the foam from the door so that it doesn't float quite as much.  So far so good.
  • I note that the door does not float quite as high as it was, but also the sides do get a little jammed up sometimes, so perhaps that is related, but the tech tells me that its ok for the door to be creating a waterfall effect into the compartment as long as water is covering the whole filter.  Its remotely possible the previous owner had removed the factory float for exactly this reason?

So right now I'm going with the theory that the door was causing the FLO problem to happen, but the circ pump apprently needed to be replaced no matter what, but most likely the flow switch did not need to be changed, but it was anyway, which is fine.  I doubt there is a problem with the motherboard, but I really don't like all this talk from them about if the power goes out I have to reset the motherboard or even have to recycle the power.  What if I am out of town and it happens, etc.?  But at least for now, it appears to be working ok, we'll be watching it and I will try to make the door work better.  Clover's advice about that will be welcome
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 02:21:55 pm by Dewdman42 »


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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2015, 04:02:32 pm »

Here is a picture of the filter door and compartment

The purpose of the filter gate is to prevent backflow into the spa, like leaves etc.  The gate should float to the surface preventing such actions.  At the top of the filter gate, there are either small stainless steel screws holding each cap on, once removed, you can pull the gate up and out.  OR, it may have plastic stoppers preventing the gate from coming out take some needle nose pliers and remove the plastic stoppers, they will probably break in the process.

Either way, you will find 4 holes in the gate in which the Sundance dealer can provide clips that are referred to as bearings that will clip on, and then reinstall the gate, the screws, or get new plastic stoppers.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2015, 06:20:24 pm »
Dewdman42, please see my post on a different topic where I've been having the same issue. I think I may have found the solution, but still in testing phase. If you want to do the same, that would be great to have two tests going. Good luck!

See my last post at the bottom. http://www.whatsthebest-hottub.com/forum/index.php/topic,18422.0.html

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance FLO problem
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2015, 06:20:24 pm »


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