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Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
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Topic: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model (Read 11429 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 4
Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
February 21, 2013, 01:49:24 pm »
I was reading topic related to J-340 "Ono" code thread, with Jacuzzi Jim, saw the same thing this am when tried to start hot tube. Here is what I see when switch power on: 356 [assume this is the sfw version], 8.8.8. heater lite on momentarily, then off; 67 [assume current temp] heater lite comes on momentarily, then see the Ono code, then cycles thru 67 and heater lite on momentarily..
Saw the discussion on the Ono it is nothing to worry about.
Seems like I go thru this each year I try to start up..eventually after monkeying around with circ pump, etc it goes...think I swapped out circ pump last year.
Filled tub past may have been some air bubbles in any thoughts?
Also have one of the jets leaking...talked to teck last year and like I read on forum..a pain to replace and somewhat expensive...did a patch job end of season last year...but appears to still be leaking..
Hot Tub Forum
Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
February 21, 2013, 01:49:24 pm »
Junior Member
Posts: 4
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #1 on:
February 21, 2013, 03:21:49 pm »
Well went out to check it and like started to heat and operate normally. Only thing I can think of ... is there might have been some air bubble in the circ line and heater...not sure.. DrMoore
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #2 on:
February 21, 2013, 05:07:02 pm »
Actually I came out and fixed it while you were gone.. Not sure whats going on, with a air lock you should get a FL1 error. 356 is the chip, 888 is some kind of misc code.
Junior Member
Posts: 4
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #3 on:
December 15, 2014, 03:42:30 pm »
Well here I am again in 2014, trying to get the damn spa back up. Here's what I reported last year: I was reading topic related to J-340 "Ono" code thread, with Jacuzzi Jim, saw the same thing this am when tried to start hot tube. Here is what I see when switch power on: 356 [assume this is the sfw version], 8.8.8. heater lite on momentarily, then off; 67 [assume current temp] heater lite comes on momentarily, then see the Ono code, then cycles thru 67 and heater lite on momentarily..
Saw the discussion on the Ono it is nothing to worry about.
Seems like I go thru this each year I try to start up..eventually after monkeying around with circ pump, etc it goes...think I swapped out circ pump last year.
Filled tub past may have been some air bubbles in any thoughts?
Also have one of the jets leaking...talked to teck last year and like I read on forum..a pain to replace and somewhat expensive...did a patch job end of season last year...but appears to still be leaking..
Then this: Well went out to check it and like started to heat and operate normally. Only thing I can think of ... is there might have been some air bubble in the circ line and heater...not sure.. DrMoore
Then Jacuzzi Jim said: Actually I came out and fixed it while you were gone.. Not sure whats going on, with a air lock you should get a FL1 error. 356 is the chip, 888 is some kind of misc code [a funny guy!]
Ok, current status: Spa was working fine last winter, drained for summer. Attempted to start up, getting Fl-1 flashing and noted circ pump not moving. I replaced it 2-3 yrs ago. Fiddled with flow switch, I have 3 of them now, but pretty sure problem with circ pump. Read a post online they don't make the Laing pumps [from Hungary anymore] [have two of them now too]. so bought the Sundance Circ pump, not direct replacement so a struggle to get in the awkward location behind the load panel. anyway got it in. So now the circ pump is moving water, the flow switch seems to be working, the jet motors seem to be working, but her is the scenario: power on panel; see the LED check pattern 888, temp of 74 shows, red heat light comes on momentarily, then off then after 5 seconds or so, it seems to reset itself and goes thru the same start up pattern, just about what I saw in 2013. So maybe I will turn it on, come in side and mess with computer and see if the magic happens again....or Jacuzzi Jim comes back to fix....ANYWAY...Any thoughts Jim?? thx
Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #4 on:
December 15, 2014, 05:08:11 pm »
888 can possibly be a bad board, if you can check and make sure you have 220v going to the spa. You also might try shutting it down and wait 20 min then power it back up and see what happens.
Junior Member
Posts: 4
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #5 on:
December 15, 2014, 05:43:03 pm »
ok, will try, pretty sure 220 to board, all motors working but will check heater voltage. thx....guess you forgot how to get to my house, to do ur magic while I'm in house :-)
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #6 on:
December 15, 2014, 06:17:50 pm »
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4424
If it Ain't Broke
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #7 on:
December 15, 2014, 09:04:47 pm »
Are you sure you replaced the circ pump in 2012 was it? Do you only drain once a year or is the tub dry for a spell?
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Jacuzzi J-340 start up issue, sfw 356, 2004 model
Reply #7 on:
December 15, 2014, 09:04:47 pm »
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