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Author Topic: Customer performed warranty work  (Read 3753 times)


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Customer performed warranty work
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:01:57 pm »
My Jacuzzi tub had cosmetic issues with most of the above water LED lights as well as a kinked hose.   In repairing the one cupholder, removing the lifter bracket gave the tech much issues, which resulted in the panel getting damaged.  These issues have been going on for a long time.  The replacement panel came in and the dealer called me.  They said the panel came in, but they don't have a tech that can come out here to do the repair, would I mind doing it.  They said the tech that was out (who was really good/nice/knowledgeable) does not want to do any more warranty work.  I wonder if there is something more to the story.  I told them that I paid for a warranty, it should be done for me.   The tub is only 6 months old.  I know I can do it, but if something else goes wrong, I don't want to be the one responsible.   I know they pay the techs to do the work, so if I were to do it, there had better be something in return. 

What is everyone's take on this, other than be worried if something major goes wrong with the tub ever in the future?

How much do techs get paid to do the repairs anyway?

Feel free to reply via PM if desired.

Some threads about the issues and my tub:

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Customer performed warranty work
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:01:57 pm »


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2014, 06:04:37 pm »
They took your money make them stand tall on there end.


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 07:08:44 pm »
My Jacuzzi tub had cosmetic issues with most of the above water LED lights as well as a kinked hose.   In repairing the one cupholder, removing the lifter bracket gave the tech much issues, which resulted in the panel getting damaged.  These issues have been going on for a long time.  The replacement panel came in and the dealer called me.  They said the panel came in, but they don't have a tech that can come out here to do the repair, would I mind doing it.  They said the tech that was out (who was really good/nice/knowledgeable) does not want to do any more warranty work.  I wonder if there is something more to the story.  I told them that I paid for a warranty, it should be done for me.   The tub is only 6 months old.  I know I can do it, but if something else goes wrong, I don't want to be the one responsible.   I know they pay the techs to do the work, so if I were to do it, there had better be something in return. 

What is everyone's take on this, other than be worried if something major goes wrong with the tub ever in the future?

How much do techs get paid to do the repairs anyway?

Feel free to reply via PM if desired.

Some threads about the issues and my tub:

It varies by area how much they get paid. It matters if they are in house or subs.  That really shouldn't matter to you how much he gets paid they should be out there fixing it.  Are you sure they didn't mean they didn't have anyone to get out there today?

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2014, 07:37:48 pm »
My Jacuzzi tub had cosmetic issues with most of the above water LED lights as well as a kinked hose.   In repairing the one cupholder, removing the lifter bracket gave the tech much issues, which resulted in the panel getting damaged.  These issues have been going on for a long time.  The replacement panel came in and the dealer called me.  They said the panel came in, but they don't have a tech that can come out here to do the repair, would I mind doing it.  They said the tech that was out (who was really good/nice/knowledgeable) does not want to do any more warranty work.  I wonder if there is something more to the story.  I told them that I paid for a warranty, it should be done for me.   The tub is only 6 months old.  I know I can do it, but if something else goes wrong, I don't want to be the one responsible.   I know they pay the techs to do the work, so if I were to do it, there had better be something in return. 

What is everyone's take on this, other than be worried if something major goes wrong with the tub ever in the future?

How much do techs get paid to do the repairs anyway?

Feel free to reply via PM if desired.

Some threads about the issues and my tub:

Warranty work does not pay as much as non warranty, we all know that. This to me indicates the dealer may not be doing their own warranty but farming it out to an independent guy, which can be fine if both parties work together and the tech is good and treats the owners like they're his own customer. Typically the idea is in order to get all the dealer's work the tech has to do the lesser paid warranty work as well so I'm not sure why this is occuring unless I'm guessing wrong about this altogether.

As a spa owner myself, I might suggest  I'd help him or someone from the store install it at best but I want them there to lead the task and take responsibility for it in case there is an issue.


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 07:41:21 pm »
If compensated for your time and trouble I would both offer it if I was a dealer and except it if I was a customer. As long as I was comfortable doing the repair and it didn't effect controls/heater/pumps. But you have to value your own time.

On the low end an independent tech costs 75 per. And this will be about where a dealer will be for a non warranty job. But we come with a van/truck full of spare inventory and tools to manage, and travel time to consider. And time behind the scenes ordering parts and invoicing. Not to mention valued experience. Some techs go as high as 100 or more. If the dealer hires a tech and does all the other stuff the tech needs then 25-30 the dealer pays if he's good. 15-20 for young intermediate tech/helper. If I am doing a small plumbing repair or electrical repair or handyman type thing I say 60. I remove docks and boat lifts and put them in for 70. I bring along a kid who takes 15. I supply my own tools and equipment.

Sounded like an ad..............

Yea, worried, dealer......if you trust the tech he may work independently. Some swing both ways. Did the truck and stuff look like his or a dealers? See if you can talk to the tech about doing it yourself and if you can get compensated for it from the dealer. Your first option should be to get firm and make the dealer get it done. But if that won't work for you I would negotiate.


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2014, 09:19:43 pm »
I know the tech that has been here 3 times is an independent.  He is really good, I like his attitude, work ethic, etc.  I purposely asked for his cards both for my possible future needs as well as referrals.  He owns his own spa and pool repair service.   I've also offered any help to the tech when he is here.  Holding a panel open so it does not smack him, hold a wire, basically an extra pair of hands.  Also offer use of my tools.  Even helped with supplying some string to run a wire so we didn't have to remove 2 panels for one of the waterfall LED's.  The tech was really good.   I know he had some complaints about the dealer, as well as other dealers.  There were some comments on how much Jacuzzi pays for warranty work and how much he charges.  I'm thinking there was a bunch more financial BS coming from the dealer making the tech even less willing to work for them.

I know I live outside of the dealer's normal area, but I specifically questioned that prior to purchase with the reassurance that they have techs up here that will take care of us.  There is another Jacuzzi dealer half way between us and the dealer we purchased from.  There is also a Hot Springs and other brands dealers very close by my area.  There must be techs they use in my area.

I know this is not a "get out there today" thing, as our tub has not been "perfect" for months!  The part is in their shop.   I have always been probably too reasonable with the time given to get the repairs done.  You can look at the other posts and see how long it goes between the report of issue and actual repair.  I have never pressed the time issue.  I've even done a lot of preliminary testing for the dealer so they didn't have to send a tech out twice (once to diagnose the issue, then again to actually repair it).  I did that without requesting, nor requiring any payment.  It was easy enough for me to remove a panel and swap some plugs.  Stupid to send a tech out for that.

If I wanted to work on a tub to keep it working perfect, I could have got a used one for a ton less than what I paid.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 10:10:34 pm »
 My best guess is since the dealer screwed up the panel it's not Jacuzzi's responsibility to pay for it, which means they the dealer eat it.   That being said was it the tech you like that damaged the skirt? If so then IMO he should be the one fixing it but then he is not around or is telling the dealer to deal with it.    Tell the dealer to get it taken care of as soon as they can, or go get it and do it yourself.  Not hard to do and again not your problem but it may be quicker.    If you do choose to do it, tell them you want compensation in chems or in store credit for chems.  That would be fair in my eyes. 

  I have said it before but some dealers just do not get customer service! 


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2014, 11:54:33 am »
They called today offered to pay me the $60 the tech would get to do the job.   I told them that would be fine.  They will cut me a check after they submit the completed paperwork to Jacuzzi.  I think that is fair.   I just have to remove the lifter hardware and the panel and replace.  Not too tough, and I helped the tech do it the last 2 times.   I agree the chems, credit, disposable filters, etc. would be fine too.  I didn't expect thousands of dollars.

I also asked if they contacted the dealers up here.  She said they did, but they all said they only service tubs they sell.  Not sure if that is BS from my dealer or just all the dealers down here are in it for themselves and don't care about the customers.  I think it is both from dealing with everyone, South Florida is not the best in customer service in most fields.

Thank you to all for the reassurance.


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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2014, 12:25:10 pm »
Most Stores service only what they sell. The service side is not a big money maker. Why would you provide excellent service to people that bought from someone else. Its been said on here lots that a good tech and reputable dealer is worth a little extra over some super discount store that wont take care of you. Warranty is not worth a hill of beans if there's no one to back it up. JMHO

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2014, 12:41:01 pm »
They called today offered to pay me the $60 the tech would get to do the job.   I told them that would be fine.  They will cut me a check after they submit the completed paperwork to Jacuzzi.  I think that is fair.   I just have to remove the lifter hardware and the panel and replace.  Not too tough, and I helped the tech do it the last 2 times.   I agree the chems, credit, disposable filters, etc. would be fine too.  I didn't expect thousands of dollars.

I also asked if they contacted the dealers up here.  She said they did, but they all said they only service tubs they sell.  Not sure if that is BS from my dealer or just all the dealers down here are in it for themselves and don't care about the customers.  I think it is both from dealing with everyone, South Florida is not the best in customer service in most fields.

Thank you to all for the reassurance.

Its fair for both of you. BTW, if you're a dealer of brand X you're typically not going to do warranty work for product Y and very understandable IMO.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Customer performed warranty work
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2014, 12:41:01 pm »


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