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Author Topic: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345  (Read 4641 times)


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Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:13:52 pm »
Hi all.  After some lengthy research on the interweb (and even bugging the local Jacuzzi tech,) I decided to turn to you all here.  Background is I just purchased a 2009 Jacuzzi J-345 a couple weeks ago.  I put the old 1998 D1 Diplomat out of its misery (who knew I would enjoy taking a sawsall to it?)  I have to say for a middle of the road hot tub, I am highly satisfied with the J-345's performance.  Without going on a tangent, I feel Jacuzzi has an effective, powerful spa in the J-345, that's well thought out as well.  Things seem to have come a long way in 10 years.

My question revolves around the air injection system--perhaps an owner of a J-345 or one of it's closer models can chime in here?  There are 4 air injection toggle switchs, each controlling the jets to specific seat.  The 3 farthest from the main pumps work AMAZINGLY well.  When they are turned on, it's like hitting the turbo boost button on the jets.  For a passive system, it's quite impressive.  HOWEVER, the 4th toggle switch (on the side where the control panel is) doesn't seem to make a difference--the jets are so powerful it seem like the air induction is ON all the time.  There is such a difference between this air injector and the other 3, that I immediately thought something was broken.

I took off the bezel to the offending toggle switch and it sounds like it's working--ie, I hear the rush of air when its open and it seems to stop when the switch is closed.  However, the pump2 is single speed on high all the time, so there is alot of ambient noise.  If i had to guess, I believe the switch is not defective.

Question:  Is this normal operating for this 4th air injector?  Are other Jacuzzi owners finding that 3 air injectors work great, but the 4th closest to the pumps doesn't have near the impact the others do.  If this is the case, so be it.  But if there is something wrong with the 4th injector/toggle switch, I want to get it resolved.

Again, the issue is that the air injection doesn't seem to turn off at this specific seat.  The jets in that seat are going crazy all the time.  Would the close proximity between the switch and Pump 2 be a possible reason it seems like the air injection is on all the time? 

Thanks in advance. 

Hot Tub Forum

Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:13:52 pm »


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Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 07:05:55 pm »
We have a 2014 J-345 and don't have anything like that. It does not matter which air injection toggle you hit. Once you hit it, there is a noticeable difference. I would guess there is something not working correctly.
Hope you enjoy your new tub. We love ours!


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Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 11:13:12 pm »
Thanks QUICK.  I appreciate your feedback.  I will have to look closer at the system now.  Perhaps something has come loose which is allowing air into the system even with the toggle closed.  Good thing is just air leaking (not water)....and it's the one right at the front service panel. 

ANyone else please chime in!


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Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2014, 07:21:44 am »
All mine (j375) make a VERY notable difference too.....


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Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2014, 09:51:47 am »
Same here. 2014 J365.


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Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 03:03:34 pm »
Just wanted to follow up.  I finally got time to pull off the corner shell piece to get a better look at the plumbing for the suspect air control issue.   The issue was the air seemed to be on all the time even when the switch was off.   

The issue was quite obvious once I was able to see the other end of the air line manifold.  The end of the cap on the manifold was completely blown off.  I don't mean the cap came unglued and fell off, I mean middle of the cap was missing completely--like some thing had blown the end right out of manifold.  No idea what caused this or how long it was in this state as I purchased the tub used.  Very strange indeed.

Thanks to those who posted.  You all were right. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Air injection for Jacuzzi J-345
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 03:03:34 pm »


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