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Hi everyone,1.) I understand you have a few things going on to maintain good water quality, the sanitizer side (I'm seeing chlorine, bromine, UV, Ozone and salt as options) and then the Ph and Alkalinity size. Seems like Ph and Alkalinity get managed the same way regardless of what you choose for the sanitizer side, is that right? The first place we went to said because we live on open land and plan to put this next to our deck - for now, eventually patio/deck would be expanded to encompass the tub - and we have bears, we absolutely need to use chlorine to keep the bears away. True or not? I thought it was odd because the other 2 places (same company, 2 different locations) made no mention of this and immediately said you use Ozone. I am one of those people that are sensitive to ozone and can't use those home air filter things because the smell that they give off make me sick. I asked about this (none of the tubs were filled) and they said that's not an issue because of the way the ozone is put into the water and not the air. Can someone give me a run down on all this?2.) Insulation.... the first place we went to had hot springs and sunrise. The other 2 places had South Seas Artesian and Sundance. First place said not having foam is better in case there's issue with repairs and showed us the green encapsulated foam "sheets" that can be replaced if need be. Second place was where we looked at a floor model Artesian and he explained about not wanting foam for the same reason as the first guy, so I thought I was all set.... last place (same company as #2) that guy said foam gives better insulation (he had all Sundance on display there and I guess sundance is foam) and repair isn't an issue. So now I'm confused. My gut tells me non foam is better for repair purposes but then the 3rd guy said that you have less repairs with the solid foam because things are so encapsulated and don't shift around with use and vibration. Seemed odd that the same company, 2 different people had such wildly differing opinions, makes me think they were just selling to the floor models they had so I was hoping for an unbiased opinion.3.) Shell - the guy in place #3 showed us the thickness of a sundance shell but in place #2 the guy said the Artesian has a lifetime warranty on the shell. Is thickness something we really need to think about? Obviously if it "gave" when we got in it dry, I would give it a second thought, but assuming none are THAT thin, is this more about the warranty?4.) Pumps.... I've done some reading here about "how many pumps are enough" and the wet test is really important - haven't even gotten that far yet - but in general, do all systems have diverters which as I understand is to maybe push more water flow to where you're sitting? Also it looks like most have "air inlet dials" where you get more air mixed with the water jet coming out for a different field? The one guy mentioned the air comes from the outside so you're injecting cold air into your tub and why would you want to do that..... uh.... in theory that makes sense but in practice? Also, I see some mention dual speed pumps and some just listed as circulation pumps. What are the difference? Aren't all pumps circulating the water?5.) Jets - one of our friends has a PDC and it has over 100 jets but I found out half of those are air only. What's the point of air only jets and are they needed or is this strictly personal preference?6.) Covers - the covers that come with floor models, are they ok or is it really worth it to get a better cover? Seems like some were throwing in a cover lifter, others not. But I see why one is needed. I do think I like the kind that go under the tub for the lifter vs attaching to the side (I'm adverse to holes in things just like on my boat).7.) Service/delivery - the 3 places we've gone to so far seem to only deliver and can put it on a pad if they can get to it, we live on open land so that's not an issue. Doesn't seem like they want to do a teaching session or anything which I find odd. I know I have to run the 220v electrical which is no problem for us but I'd have thought they'd at least want to fill it, check things, maybe give a run through on how things work. Is that typical or am I expecting too much?I know that's a lot of questions but I figured these would help me get better grounded while we were looking.Thanks in advance!
Yep Northeast PA between Scranton and Stroudsburg. As for a Marquis Dealer, looks like the closest is just over an hour away. Not sure how they feel about a service range that wide but I can email them and ask. Seems like they sell pools, spas, pond supplies and house decorations based on their website.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “dump and run�