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Author Topic: Why is my bromine level so low?  (Read 17751 times)


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Why is my bromine level so low?
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:27:27 am »
I have a new Sundance Chelsee spa that was filled last week. I added 2oz sodium bromide plus all the other chemicals and put 4 bromine tabs in the floating dispenser that sits in front of the filter. All the levels read fine on the AquaChek test strips. We have used the tub every day for about an hour, with 2-6 people each night and I always add a cap full of shock when getting out.

A week later now, 2 test strips are showing very low (almost 0) bromine. The tabs are still in the floating dispenser and seem to be dissolving. So I am wondering, why is my bromine level so low and how much of a problem is this?

I noticed that when the spa is not in use the floating dispenser is filled with water but it floats above the waterline (is this a problem?). Turning the jets on does push the dispenser down under the waterline. Is this normal for how the dispenser should operate?

All the other levels on the test strip look fine but I am baffled about the bromine.

I appreciate any help that you can offer to a new spa owner and am happy to be a new member of this community!


Hot Tub Forum

Why is my bromine level so low?
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:27:27 am »


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 12:12:59 pm »
The bromine is being used up as fast as it dissolves.  This is common during periods of heavy usage.  New spas tend to get used heavily.  I would add more tablets to the floater and open it up more.  Floater usually have some sort of dial to create more or less water flow.  You can also shock it with dichlor to play catch-up.

Happy hot-tubbing!


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2014, 12:29:25 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply Sam! Explanations with a couple pictures below. I appreciate any feedback and suggestions.

The floater does not have any adjustments (see picture below) so I can't really open anything up. I have 5 tablets in there. They are getting smaller so they must be dissolving.

You can notice in this picture that the top of the floater is sitting above the waterline. The compartment with the bromine tablets is filled with water, but I worry about if not mixing with the rest of the water because the floater seems to only get pushed down when the jets are on.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 12:33:52 pm by Chum »


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 09:42:27 pm »
Where is your spa dealer in all of this? Seems he should be helping you out with free advice.
Oh wait mine up and moved out of the City so yes this is the place to get the answers,

Still what up spa supplier/everyday salesman.


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2014, 07:44:47 am »
Free advice?  I believe it was paid for in the markup of the spa. :)


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2014, 07:54:25 am »
I called the dealer and the manager thought the test strips may have been bad because all the start-up chemicals were done correctly the bromine tablets are in the tub.

I brought a water sample in yesterday and their fancy testing showed that bromine is in fact measuring low at .5. He was surprised because I am following everything as I should, and said he would call his chemical guy and ask what may be going on, and promised to follow-up with me yesterday... but no call yet.

I'll give him another day and follow-up tomorrow if I don't hear anything.

My saleswoman was in the store at the time and she suggested that I try an actual bromine tab floater instead of using the built-in reservoir. Perhaps the manager will want to try that if I can't get the bromine levels up.

Edit: The manager said that the low levels are not a big deal right now and I am safe to continue using the spa due to the Clearray bulb operation + capful of shock I use each time after leaving the tub.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 07:57:46 am by Chum »


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2014, 03:54:07 pm »
We have an Optima--one month in use (new) and it got cloudy---I think because we were lax on the 10 to 15 days put in more bromind tabs------it was empty!  So we designated the 1st and the 15th as bromine tab Day.----We test stripped it6 and just the PH is hi---so we put the tsp and 1/2  of "Spa Down"in---next day another tsp &1/2---.  We are going to take a water sample to the dealer for a sanity check.---The cloudy cleared up after 2 to 3 days.  We are going to continue to monitor the ph---thatr seems to be the problem for us.  Will repost after dealer opinion!---Oh I meant to say too that the pump comes on 2 times per day---spreading the bromine that is sitting in it's cradle!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 08:06:13 pm by DaveMc »


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2014, 01:30:14 pm »
Quick follow-up update to my topic here... the dealer talked to his "chemical guy" and it was suggested that I add one more capful of oxidizing shock after exiting the spa. That seems to have done the trick and my bromine levels  increased to where they should be.


Topline Mike

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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 02:00:14 am »
Chum, congrats on the new spa. 

I was once in your shoes with all the new "chemical" talk.  If you want to really get involved on how to keep your hot tub water balanced and sanitized, you should read some articles on the subject.  I would recommend buying a good test kit for your water, like a taylor test kit, and test your water yourself.  I just have to chuckle when your dealer says he talked to his "chemical guy".  I found that a lot of dealers don't know squat about hot tub chemicals, but they do know how to sell you a hot tub, and fancy name brand chemicals on top of it.  Some folks on this forum don't like to hear that, but it's the truth, as you just found out first hand.  I'm currently sanitizing my hot tub with chlorox bleach, at $3.99 a gallon.  I balance my water with muriatic acid, at $4.99 a gallon.  Once you understand how each chemical affects your water, you will be confident in your water care. 


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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 10:34:44 am »
You are ONLY using bleach and muriatic acid - and nothing else?

I have a whole box of chemicals, plus the bromine tablets.


Topline Mike

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Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 12:22:59 pm »
The first thing you do after a new fill is balance your water.  In my case, I have a very high TA (total alkalinity) in my well water. (as in 380 to 400).  I use muriatic acid to lower the TA down to 60 or 70.  Once that is accomplished (I don't add 30 ounces or so all at once, or my pH will crash), I add stabilizer or CYA (cyanuric acid).  I add 2 ounces of this to get my CYA to 30-40 ppm.  Then I add borates to the water.  This chemical is not needed, but apparently it helps stabilize your pH and also makes the water more sparkly.  16 ounces of boric acid is what I add to my hot tub for each new fill.  Now the water is balanced and ready for sanitizer.  I use regular unscented chlorox bleach for this.  Every time the family uses the tub, we add it.  If the tub doesn't get used for two days, I add it. 

So, I lied.  I use 4 chemicals, not 2.  Boric acid is not needed, but I use it.  All others are needed.  Muriatic acid does the same as "ph down", or dry acid.  You can buy this at your hardware store.  I paid $4.99 for a gallon, and it lasts me 4 fills, or about a year.  The substitute for "pH up" is baking soda, which is dirt cheap at the grocery store.  The stabilizer is cheap also.  I think I paid about $8 for a 1.75lb container.  This will last me for 2 years or so.  The bleach costs about $4 a gallon, and will last a month or more. 

You can maintain your hot tub with household chemicals, at a fraction of the cost of "hot tub chemicals".  My advice to you is to buy a good test kit.  The taylor K2106 is the kit you will need for bromine.  Amazon has them, as well as amato industries and some others.  Read and learn how each chemical affects your water, and you will be one confident hot tubber, I know my family is. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Why is my bromine level so low?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 12:22:59 pm »


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