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Author Topic: 1996 Polynesian-Emerald Spa  (Read 2456 times)


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1996 Polynesian-Emerald Spa
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:29:41 am »
Hello all, new to the forum. We just bought our house in April and it came with a 1996 Polynesian(Emerald) Spa. Wondering if anyone can give me a general idea of the build quality of these spas? I took the panels off this summer to clean it out and found some broke/cracked fittings. The control pack is the original Hercules Tornado and it looks rough. The spa is currently set up with a blower(broken fittings found on the shell) and a single 2HP 2 speed pump. I've always been a big fan of hot tubs and am hopeful I can get this thing running. I put together a list of replacement/upgrade parts I would like to build this tub with on hottubwarehouse.com, including a pump upgrade to a Waterway Viper 4hp(or 5hp ;D) and a Balboa VS501Z retrofit control. I also plan to remove the blower system completely as I've never really cared for them. I'm just trying to get an idea of whether or not it would be worth the time and effort with this tub. The cabinet looks to be cedar or redwood, possibly? I just power washed it over the summer and it looks decent. The shell is a blue/green marble design and looks to be in good shape. So for those with much more experience, do cracked lines and fittings implicate a likelihood of a cracked shell or leaky jets? I don't mind chasing line leaks around, I imagine with an 18 year old tub I'll be doing a bit of that. The previous owner reported that the tub does work. I thought it would be fun to do a custom build on the thing, but thought I'd check on here before going crazy with it, thanks for your input!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 03:25:06 am by intrigued214 »

Hot Tub Forum

1996 Polynesian-Emerald Spa
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:29:41 am »


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Re: 1996 Polynesian Spa
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 12:23:52 am »
Was doing some more poking around on the tub today and found that the all of the jets appear to have been re-sealed with some type of clear caulk/silicone from the outside of the shell, looks like the foam was cut away for service on the jets.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 1996 Polynesian Spa
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 12:23:52 am »


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