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Author Topic: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation  (Read 8353 times)


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2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:24:32 am »
Hello all,

I recently started up my new J-345 and have had some trouble trying to program the tub to run in 24 hour circulation mode.  I've followed the instructions for menu PF and selected 6, confirmed it with the number one pump button, but the circulation pump will shut off after roughly 30 minutes.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you in advance....


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2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:24:32 am »


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 01:30:15 pm »
Hi Big Daddy,

I also have the 345, but have not tried to change the filtration cycle, other than the time it starts. In just looking at the manual, after you pressed the Jet Pump 1 button, did "PF6" blink twice? The manual says it will blink twice to confirm your change has been accepted.

I'm also curious as to why you would want your circ. pump on for 24 hours? We keep ours at 8 hours and it works fine, although it is just two of us who are the primary users of the tub.


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 06:28:47 pm »
Thank you responding to my post.  I did push the pump 1 button to confirm my selection and it blinked twice.  I've tried restarting the tub and even disconnected the power for a hard reset.  Still getting the same result.

To answer your question, I've dealt with a lot of pools over the years and understand that water moving though a filter is less prone to bacteria as opposed to sitting water.  Especially being that we are dealing with tubs that contain hot water.  The circulation feature was a huge factor in my decision to go with the j-345 and not being able to force full time circulation is disappointing. 

Thank you again for responding.



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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2014, 10:18:50 pm »
Only other thing I can suggest would be to speak with your dealer, but I suppose you've probably already done that??? Maybe Jacuzzi Jim can answer your question (he is on this forum).

If you do get the answer please post it on this forum, as I would also like to know. I should also say that I would try it on my tub, but it is at our summer cabin. If I remember, next time we're at the cabin I'll try engaging the 24 hour circ. pump on our tub and will report back.


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 08:53:43 am »
I did ask the dealer and he's "looking into it".  I also sent an email to Jacuzzi customer service, but have not heard back from them.

Thanks again Quickbeam...


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 09:30:26 am »
Press jet 1 and cooler button for three seconds.  Scroll to C6 and press the pump 1 button.  That should change it


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 09:19:15 am »
Circulation Update....

I talked with a tech at Jacuzzi and the 2014 model has had some revisions in their controls logic.  Evidently if you adjust the temperature up and or down while using the tub, it interrupts the tubs preset program.  By doing this, the tub doesn't know when to run the circulation pump, so it just sits waiting for a command.

Thank you guys again for your help!


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2014, 11:59:33 am »
Good to hear BigDaddy. We just got up to our cabin and I was going to post this morning that I had tried the 24 hour circulation and it seemed to work on my tub. I didn’t actually run it for 24 hours, but I put it on the 24 circulation mode and  let it run for 2 hours and it ran fine. I then switched it back to 8 hour circulation mode.

Since we both have the 2014 model of the J-345, there is one other issue with the tub you may want to know about. If your tub water temperature goes 2 degrees over the set temperature, the tub goes into what’s called “Summer Logic Mode”. I think most tubs do this and you can read further about the summer logic mode in the manual (page 49). With our tubs however, there was some kind of glitch in the software and when the tub goes into summer logic mode, the circ. pump will cycle on and off repeatedly. There is apparently a microchip on the PC board that needs to be replaced in order to correct this.

We had this problem last summer. We went away on vacation for about 10 days. During the time we were away it got quite hot and when we came back we found our tub had not been circulating as the circ. pump was just cycling on and off. I don’t imagine this is very good for the pump and our water was certainly not looking very good. It took us a while to figure out what was going on, and it was actually Jacuzzi Jim on this forum who pointed us in the right direction.

In any case, after we figured it out our dealer ordered the part for us, but it took a long time for it to come in. The repairman is coming next week to finally fix this for us. Note that this is not a problem under regular, day to day use. It is only when the temperature of the water exceeds the set temperature by 2 degrees that this happens, and this will likely only happen if it is quite hot outside. As we are now in the fall, we don’t have any issues, but I don’t want it to happen again next summer, so we are going ahead with the repair, which is covered under warranty.

If you want any more information let me know, as I have the part number. There was actually a notice sent out to the dealers by Jacuzzi on this, and I also have a copy of that somewhere in my files.


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2014, 07:44:01 pm »
Great info thanks for sharing! Is this just the 45 or other models as well?


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2014, 08:00:06 pm »
I think it's all the J-300 models, but I'm not 100% sure. The title of the Jacuzzi "memo" I saw was "2014 J-300 Summer Logic Upgrade" so from this I'm assuming it was all J-300 models. Hope this helps.


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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2014, 08:00:08 am »

Thank you for all of the information you shared concerning the summer logic mode.  My tub will climb 2 to 3 degrees while in use, depending on the amount of time we run the system.  I'm curious to know when this issue was discovered and when the notice was sent out.

My tub was ordered this past September, delivered and installed October the 7th.  If the changes are made immediately at the factory, it's possible my tub has the updated software.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would share the part number that you have so I touch base with my dealer. 

Thank you again....I really appreciate the information!!



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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2014, 02:08:31 pm »

I sent you a PM.

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Re: 2014 Jacuzzi J-345 circulation
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2014, 02:08:31 pm »


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