This is a joke right? I love running across people like you that give up and call me labor rate goes way up! Blind leading the blind in here. I was at the car wash the other day and laughed my *** off when I saw a guy who had his rims sprayed with flex seal watch it fall off.
I was on a job not long ago where the guy used a full can of the magical spray think cleaning old foam off the pipes is a pain,try that.
No, it's not a joke and I don't need you to come and do anything for me.
Using just flex spray by itself would indeed be a joke. Using flex spray and backing it up after letting it cure with 100% silicone, it's SILICONE just like in the tube. The spray simply fills in all the cracks and the 100% silicone from the tube backs that up and forms a water seal.
So being it's silicone / silicone are you saying the other people here saying try silicone are all idiots or are you just making fun of spray silicone used in the correct manner?
HEY I bet if you put a tube of silicone on car rims it would fall off too!
Hey I've read lots of stories of people using spray silicone and expecting miracle results and NOT GETTING ANY. Because they didn't understand how it works.
When you apply silicone from a caulk tube you get air pockets and your seal stands a good chance of a leak. If you spray it with silicone, allow it to cure, spray again, allow it to cure then spray and apply silicone from a tube your surface area just increased dramatically and you have a better chance of success. This is simply better than just applying from a tube. The best way would be to take it apart and apply a bead, as was suggested, then apply pressure. But you probably don't understand WHY that is better you just know it's the right way.
It's because it offers more surface area for the seal.