Ok, here goes the short version, water with salt in it will feel softer to the skin, however one of the positive things at least from a corrosion issue side about the ACE is that it needs a lower level of salt than most other salt water chlorine generators. A salt water chlorine gererator does just that it breaks the sodium and the chloride in salt down to releast chlorine into the water, with the ACE system you also get some extra ionic action that you don't get with a reqular SWCG due to the diamond electrode. Buildup on the cell is mostly due to calcium in your water, the harder your water is the more of a problem you will have, pretreating the water before filling the tub can help with this. As to less odor, this has more to do with maintaining correct water balance and having some CYA in the water than the source of the chlorine, don't let the marketing spin fool you, and SWCG tub or pool is a chlorine tub / pool just in one case you are generating the chlorine on site vs adding it in.
Personally I would never pay $1,700 for the ACE system, sure it may be nice, but I think that price is insane, however if it is being offered as a perk, and there is not going to be some equivilent perk like $1,000 cash back.... tomorrow I would say go for it.