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Author Topic: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?  (Read 7991 times)


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Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:05:35 pm »
I'm considering purchasing a Hot Springs Hot Tub.  Today is the last day of this program where they throw in the $1700 dollar Ace Sanitizing System.  Every so many months they offer this promotion and today happens to be the last day of this offer.

I've read mixed reviews but would like to hear from someone who actually owns or has experience with the Ace system.

I understand that you still have to add chlorine or some type of sanitizer along with the Ace System.  Just not as often as if you we're running chlorine only?  Correct?

I understand the salt water has a softer feel on the skin, less odor and is overall a little less harsh than Chlorine or some of the other sanitizing chemicals.

But then I've read about the salt deteriorating metal parts and how the cell needs to be cleaned every so many months.  Just some horror stories of people needing quite a bit of service related to the Ace system.

In a nutshell I'm confused.  If they're offering it for free I guess it's worth considering even though nothing is ever for free.  And the offer ends today and I don't want this free Ace System to rush my purchase process.  I'm still trying to decide on which model I want to purchase but thought I would get some advice on the Ace system while I'm at it.


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Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:05:35 pm »


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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 04:13:34 pm »
Ok, here goes the short version, water with salt in it will feel softer to the skin,  however one of the positive things at least from a corrosion issue side about the ACE is that it needs a lower level of salt than most other salt water chlorine generators.  A salt water chlorine gererator does just that it breaks the sodium and the chloride in salt down to releast chlorine into the water, with the ACE system you also get some extra ionic action that you don't get with a reqular SWCG due to the diamond electrode.  Buildup on the cell is mostly due to calcium in your water, the harder your water is the more of a problem you will have, pretreating the water before filling the tub can help with this.  As to less odor, this has more to do with maintaining correct water balance and having some CYA in the water than the source of the chlorine, don't let the marketing spin fool you, and SWCG tub or pool is a chlorine tub / pool just in one case you are generating the chlorine on site vs adding it in.

Personally I would never pay $1,700 for the ACE system, sure it may be nice, but I think that price is insane, however if it is being offered as a perk, and there is not going to be some equivilent perk like $1,000 cash back.... tomorrow I would say go for it.


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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 09:48:48 pm »
Thanks for the breakdown.  That all makes sense to me.  I met with a Hot Springs salesman today and he honestly never tried to ram the ACE system down my throat.  Being the last day of Hot Springs throwing in the Ace system I figured that he would have started his pitch with how I couldn't live without this system and that I would be crazy not to make a purchase today so the Ace system would be free.  He didn't talk about the Ace system until I brought it up.  He didn't deny some it's negative points such as having to clean the cell every so many months and how the life of a cell is only 3 to 5 yrs and could be even less depending on usage.  And replacement cells can run upwards of $800.00. 

I'm just not in the into the Ace sanitizing system.  I'm fine with a little chlorine sanitizing in my hot tub.  Used in low levels I've never been irritated by a slight smell of chlorine and I've never noticed dry skin.  If used correctly like you mentioned you shouldn't even smell chlorine. 



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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 12:11:07 pm »
Ace Cell is rated for 14,000 hours under optimal conditions. I do not want people to be under the impression you are going to get 5 years out of that electrode.



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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 12:31:49 pm »
I would be interested in learning what affect the salt has on the Stainless Steel heater?  And other metal parts like the pumps?


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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2014, 01:31:05 pm »
I specifically asked the salesman about all the negative things I've read about the Ace sanitizing system.  He pretty much shot holes through all of them like any good salesman would but he seemed very straight up.  As far as the salt wearing out metal parts and rusting the stainless steel or chrome fittings..  He clearly said nonsense..  If used properly the amount of salt being used is so little that it should never wear out parts or rust anything.  Used improperly anything is possible.  He didn't deny the fact that there is some upkeep involved with cleaning the cell every three months in muriatic acid and that replacement cells are costly. 

Personally I'm not interested in the Ace system.  If I decided on a Hot Springs tub and there is another factory promotion of the Ace system thrown in for free I might consider it.  Use it as long as the cell lasts and at that point you can always make the decision of buying another cell if you enjoyed the system or scrapping it and going with another sanitizer like chlorine or bromine. 

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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2014, 02:15:17 am »
I suggest you read this thread which continues to be updated by more and more unhappy users.  When the system works, it's great, but it seems to fail much more than most other systems and it's expensive to repair.


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Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2014, 11:22:13 am »
Thanks for posting the thread.  Personally I have no interest in the Ace Sanitizing System at this point.  I'm thinking that chlorine sanitizing will work just fine for me.  I haven't made up my mind which brand of tub I'm going to purchase at this point.  Still wet testing quite a few tubs.  If for some reason when I do make a decision Hot Springs is running the promotion of the free Ace Sanitizing System I'll consider it at that point.  My thoughts are that if they're throwing in the Ace System, use it until a cell craps out and then make a decision at that point if you want to drop the cash for a new cell or scrap the system and go with chlorine.  Easy enough..

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ace Saltwater Sanitizing System? Thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2014, 11:22:13 am »


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