What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Fixed light leak, electrical issue and motor. Finally filling the tub!  (Read 1890 times)


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I already posted pics when I fixed the recirculating motor.  I thought that was the only leak but it turned out it was leaking around the light.  The general consensus is that you can't seal it without pulling out all the foam, loosening the light, putting a bead of 100% silicone or a new gasket there then tightening the light fixture back.  I checked several locations and that is good advice for a one day fix.  However if you have several days you can seal it without pulling the fixture.  It worked for me and there is no reason it shouldn't work for anyone.

I also got my new molex pigtail connector in and the electronics are working like a charm.

Finally I get to put chemicals in!  I know it says wait a few days to get in but I'm dying to use the tub tonight.  If it hits 100 degrees I think I may take a 15 minute dip.

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