Newbie, hopefully soon to be hot tub owner here looking for some input on a clearwater XS76L eco. This "eco" model is a floor model sale right now (for $4500 CAN), and I am interested but cannot find a lot of information online about the "eco" model. I have done a fair bit of research and ruled out a lot of brands already. I have a limited budget of around $5000 and decided that the clearwater brand looks good, for my budget. Can anyone out there give me any reviews on the clearwater "eco" line? It is definitely a "base" model, with very few jets (which I am happy about), and no bells or whistles (led lights, waterfalls etc), which also suits me fine. Basically, I am looking for a good quality tub to seat about 4 people, with a lounger. Do you think this is a good choice? Thanks in advance for any advice.