well afters setting the rule of showers before use and a set swimming costume I managed to get rid of the creamy froth. HOWEVER afte a few days I checked the tub and it was cream water.....I had been checking everyday. levels had been totally fine. it literally just went creamy in one day. I shocked it. added a bit if water clareifer and let the filter cycles go as normal to see if it would filter it out. no luck. I have as I type put the hose in to fill it back up after a total water change . wiped the whole tub down. I took the jets out to find creamy substance in them. the filter.......well,.....it was coated in thick cream. I could fill my finger with it. so that's soaking now for the night .
ok so I use bromine in a floater. I check my levels all the time.WHAT AM I DOING WRONG. where did this cream come from and why.
could it be to much chemical....as in oxy shock/stain remover/antifoam/bromine/.....all mixed together causing problems?

? I know I had a few problems with moisturiser and hair product causing mild frothing. but not to this extreme.
yes im new to this. yes I luv my hot tub. and yes I obviously need help