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Author Topic: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.  (Read 10963 times)


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2014, 11:51:49 am »
From my research and personal experimentation, that simply placing a quartz crystal into water, will structure the water. I did experiments myself where I saw structured and non structured water changed the surface tension of water just by leaving a few crystals in a pot of water overnight. The quartz crystal basically programs the water moluclues to change shape. Quartz and water can store information. You can reference a team of prinston researches that placed a 3d image of the mona lisa into a quartz crystal and then later retrieved it. Science is still unsure of exactly why it does this but they can prove that quartz is a date storage...anyways getting off topic here, I just want you guys to know that Im not loony toones or making this stuff up.
If hottub companies really didnt want you to use chlorine or bromine in your tub, they would just make filters out of silver thread fibers which would only cost a extra $1 or $2 for the quanty of silver, and silver destroys all bacteria and pathogens on contact.

As described in this link, the researchers were from Stanford, not Princeton, the crystal was lithium niobate, not quartz, and there was no water involved.  I suggest you do a better job with your "research" and perhaps could start with Water Cluster Quackery.

As for silver or even copper and silver, this post has a table of kill times for chlorine vs. copper and silver demonstrating that silver and copper ions do not kill bacteria quickly, they are not effective against viruses, and as for solid materials only the tiniest amount of water can directly contact them at any point in time so would not be effective in filtration systems using "threads" of silver.

As for whether you are "loony toones or making this stuff up", that's for others to decide.

Yes you are 100% right about the university, I had it mixed up. And it was not quartz, but a crystaline structure with properties similar to quartz. But quartz can store information, is cheap, and can be grown to massive sizes quickly with low cost.

Hitachi says they can make harddrives out of quartz.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 12:26:22 pm by mattwelke »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2014, 11:51:49 am »

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2014, 02:57:51 pm »
When I placed potatoes into water and boiled it next to water that had no potatoes in it, the boiling patterns were noticeably different.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2014, 07:14:48 pm »
When I placed potatoes into water and boiled it next to water that had no potatoes in it, the boiling patterns were noticeably different.

Well, based on your experiment, I have been treating my hot tub with red russet potatoes for the last 3 weeks.  I got these little bumps on my skin that itch real bad.  I think that means it's working!  Also, if you add carrots, onions and wabbit it is awfully tasty!  The potatoes basically program the water molecules to change shape and taste better. 


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2014, 09:03:05 pm »
Be nice guys.....LOL Why we all know this is total bunk there are many theory's and beliefs that are differing than ours. This is a free country but we should never chastise. Facts, no matter how impelling do not change our freedom to choose different.


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2014, 12:34:13 pm »
Be nice guys.....LOL Why we all know this is total bunk there are many theory's and beliefs that are differing than ours. This is a free country but we should never chastise. Facts, no matter how impelling do not change our freedom to choose different.

You're right.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.    :-X


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2014, 07:34:03 am »
Be nice guys.....LOL Why we all know this is total bunk there are many theory's and beliefs that are differing than ours. This is a free country but we should never chastise. Facts, no matter how impelling do not change our freedom to choose different.

You're right.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.    :-X

I didn't say it wasn't funny  ;D


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2014, 10:58:12 am »
You guys can make fun all you really want it doesn't bother me.

I pointed out that Dr. Gerald Pollack from Washington university has been researching the properties of structured water. If you follow the links and read the research, hes been studying structured water there for 10 years. And he states in his research that pathogens cannot grow in structured water. Why don't you repeat his experiments and debunk him. I tried. No bacteria growth.  None of you seem to want to address the fact that I had no traces or bacteria growing in my hot tub. Temp was kept between 102f and 103f the entire time.

There is such a thing called cognitive dissonance that some of you may be experiencing. Look it up.

Good day everyone.


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2014, 03:31:49 pm »
What if we don't have to look it up because we know what it means already?


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2014, 04:03:37 pm »
I received a good quote from my favorite sister in law that seems to apply here----
"When you are dead you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for others.
 It is the same when you are stupid"

chem geek

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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2014, 05:29:15 pm »
The problem is that you are taking small pieces of information and connecting them together even though they are not related.  For example, water does have complex structures due to its very small very polar molecules forming hydrogen bonds that can find all kinds of low-energy structures.  Gerald H Pollack focuses his study on one such structure that he says forms when water is next to a hydrophillic substance in what he calls an exclusion zone (EZ) where the water forms hexagonal planes with negative charge (he claims H3O2 in ratio, but that may be way more charge than his voltage and current measurements indicate) and where light, especially infrared light, is the energy driving force.  This video goes into more detail on his theories and I'll discuss some of this later in this post.  This paper is one of many he has authored or co-authored on this subject.

However, you attribute storing information in a quartz crystal that is etched by a laser as having anything to do with throwing in some quartz crystals into water somehow affecting the water due to quartz being able to store "information".  Also, having some water structures resemble some specific quartz crystal structures does not mean throwing some quartz crystal into water does anything beneficial.  The exclusion zone produced from hydrophilic materials is small on macroscopic terms (i.e. 400 micrometers and while it can grow larger in still water, it would not in water that circulates), but quartz crystal is not even hydrophilic!  Basically, Pollack does not make any claims of using quartz crystals  for killing bacteria in water or anything like that (please link to HIS sources that claim that; not what other people incorrectly attribute to him or imply that he said).  This video that is a presentation he made to a university audience describes at one point how one could purify water by separating out water from the exclusion zone from the rest of the water.  That is NOT the same as throwing in some crystals into water and expecting it to get disinfected.

What has happened is that greedy selfish people who want to make money have taken advantage by hijacking some of what Pollack has said (i.e. that water forms a crystalline structure in the exclusion zone) and then adding to it complete bunk such as claiming that putting in some quartz crystals into your water will disinfect it.  Pollack didn't even say the crystal structure was like quartz -- he said it was closer to ice in that the crystals are hexagonal (standard alpha quartz crystals are trigonal in structure; it is only beta quartz crystals that are hexagonal).  Companies such as this one (and many, many, many others -- search on "structured water") refer to his science but then make up stuff about it and sell products for profit.

Let's now look in more detail at some of what Pollack has said.  He stretched his observations in the lab into trying to explain breatharianism and specifically Prahlad Jani.  People who have tried to follow these practices have died and those are well documented.  Is it possible that there are a rare few who can survive without food and with minimal water?  Nothing was submitted to scientific scrutiny -- the doctor did not publish results, did not keep Jani within CCTV at all times, etc.  He made these claims in the first video I showed so apparently when speaking to a lay person audience he gets more sloppy in his thinking.  As noted in this review, with biology he does nothing but speculation without scientific experiment to back it up (unlike his more pure EZ work).

Pollack did not make any measurements demonstrating a positive potential of urine (he claimed in his presentation) and I could find no such research supporting this assertion.  There is the concept of the Urinary Anion Gap also known as "urinary net charge", but that is because urine tests measure sodium, potassium, and chloride and do not measure other ions including ammonium, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, sulphate, phosphate, and organic ions.  Again, there is no evidence of any actual net charge in urine.

Overall, the second video of his is much better in sticking to actual scientific observation and explanation, but again there is nothing in his research that says throwing some quartz crystals in water is going to disinfect it.

How do you know that you don't have bacteria in your spa?  Did you have tests done at a laboratory to confirm that?  Do you have an ozonator in your spa?  What do you think the green is coming from?  Is it algae?  Why would you think that algae would grow but bacteria would not?  Are there any areas of the spa, say right above the water line, that feel slimy?  Keep us posted because without adding any oxidizer or having an ozonator you will simply be soaking in your sweat and urine, just like taking a bath in the same water over and over again.  That sure doesn't sound pleasant even ignoring the fecal bacteria and other fecal matter introduced every time you soak.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 05:31:26 pm by chem geek »


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2014, 07:56:37 pm »
Game, Set and Match.

chem geek

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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2014, 02:24:50 am »
Here are some gems from this video mattwelke linked to earlier.

"Victoria White.  My husband and I are happy owners of a number of Natural Action Technologies - water structuring devices."
Rule #1: Beware of any claims from someone who has a financial interest in you believing his/her claims.

"Structured water is water in nature.  It is living water.  It's full of life force energy which has been called bio-photonic.  Energy as well as qi (chi) or prana.  It's got a light to it.  It can actually be measured."
Seems like we've gone a ways away from the exclusion zone (EZ) theory.

"Since we have put the structuring device on this, we have never put any chemicals in our Jacuzzi."

"... all natural materials; Mother Nature materials from around the world many of which are rare and hard to come by ... and they add energy to it; synergistically works well with the structuring that happens naturally through the vortexing; there's a double vortexing that happens simultaneously and the water through physics gets structured but then it also basically gets amplified having the dynamically advanced materials in there."

"One of the things that this does that filters will not do, still won't do, is it erases the negative memory in water.  And if anybody is familiar with homeopathy they know that you can put vibration into water and that it can be good or it can be bad.  And so when water goes through this it will erase all of that."
Bad water (wags one's finger)...bad, bad, water.

"It will energetically neutralize anything that is unhealthy, any toxins, any contaminants in the water and it will energetically enhance those things that are healthy."
As noted below, this will be due to the activated carbon in the inline filter, not the structure of the water.

And there are more videos you can watch for your entertainment in this link.  Note that the "new" charcoal colored material added to their newer units is essentially activated carbon (one commenter to Victoria's video said it was the mineral shungite which is a form of carbon with some disinfecting properties -- see this paper for example) used primarily to remove chlorine so you don't smell that from the tap water and of course activated carbon filters also remove many other chemicals, but the video claims it's about electromagnetism or ion exchange or some such.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 01:56:29 pm by chem geek »


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Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2014, 09:38:13 am »
How do you know that you don't have bacteria in your spa?  Did you have tests done at a laboratory to confirm that?  Do you have an ozonator in your spa?  What do you think the green is coming from?  Is it algae?  Why would you think that algae would grow but bacteria would not?  Are there any areas of the spa, say right above the water line, that feel slimy?  Keep us posted because without adding any oxidizer or having an ozonator you will simply be soaking in your sweat and urine, just like taking a bath in the same water over and over again.  That sure doesn't sound pleasant even ignoring the fecal bacteria and other fecal matter introduced every time you soak.

Hold on a dang minute here , ......there's poop in my water ?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Crystal Clear Water, No Need For Chemicals? Structure your Water.
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2014, 09:38:13 am »


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