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Author Topic: round 2 wetest on sweetwater\palermo  (Read 2786 times)


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round 2 wetest on sweetwater\palermo
« on: July 02, 2004, 03:26:31 pm »
Well round 2, the first was Marquis; see first round wettest (Marquis) post.
This wettest is of the Sweetwater, Palermo. The Palermo was on our list because of quality construction, cabinet synthetic, good warranty (just a little shy of the Marquis though), layout (lounger and contour hydrotherapy seat was the focus for us), and energy cost conscience and no bells and whistle.

The two pump 2.0/2.5 was divided up in the tub very well, 2.5 two speed for the contoured seats with a single diverter gave us good choices on one half of the tub. One contoured seat with accu-pressure jets and the other with swirl jets. I felt that changing the diverter from both seats and just one seat, water psi decrease was hardly noticeable at high speed other than that the accu-pressure seat could almost blow you out of it, set on high pump speed and diverted to just that seat with the air valve wide open. (My opinion is that I would rather be able to turn psi down then not be able too at all)
Then again opinions are like bum holes everyone’s gotem! My attempt at being modest. ;D
The swirls work very well on the other seat on low pump speed and air valve turned to off (unlike my experience in the Marquis) also the big turbo jet that’s set in the foot well wall really moved out the water and you can make it really blast if you move the diverter to the swirl seat and shut the swirls off. This jet almost felt like a big swirl jet.
A bonus for the person in the lounger buddy seat, great for aches and pains of the bottom arch of your foot or ankles (great for you gals after a night on the town with those super  arched high heel shoes). Plus this large jet can be shared with the acupressure seat or the buddy to the lounger like I mentioned before.
The lounger and buddy seat run off the 2.0 single speed pump with no diverter on this other half of the tub, which to us was acceptable. Though having 2 speeds would be a nice thing.
Also I would have liked the buddy seat to have a swirl or two and air control separate from the lounger.
I still like the buddy seat though and the costs to buy a couple of swirls, as extras are not at all too expensive, just switch them out, which is another bonus. To add, the buddy seat is nice for cuddling up to that special someone. ADMIT IT FELAS WE ALL GIVE IN TO IT.
The lounger was nice, not being important to me personally, but like most of what I have read from this post there was the tendency to push you up with the air valve turned wide open. But if you are tall enough, you can put your feet in the contours of the foot jet and fix yourself their. Both my wife and I, nonetheless, found that “just right valve adjustment” for this not to be much of a problem.
The heater is 5.somethingkw, which I felt was better than a 4kw for a 400g tub. The tub is 24/7 cont, circ,.
And after reading the great debate on the post, Circulation Pump - are they truly a cost saver I am persuaded by onmedics points of view.
Though I do not like that the foot well draws do not go through the filter 100% a negative. And the filter on its side a little strange for getting in and out let alone the waste of space.

Even though the tub was just a good fit for us (yes men and woman can come to agree as rare as that might be) this tub was not at all complicated to set up for that particular ache or pain you want to address and cozy enough for just a soak. Also it had plenty of jet power any way you set it, which is key for us. To add, no bells and whistles. Though the daughter and wife want that multiple colored light thingy, oh brother!!

Though when it comes to a dealer this one would be the perfect choice; friendly, supportive in helping you through problems, good customer philosophy, promises to be there for you within sensible reason and family owned and run. The dealer this forum tells you you should find. This is a big bonus!

warranty is not at all to my liking, the section that says if the tub needs to be replaced, but the dealer and I had a long talk and has me feeling a little better about it. See my post warrenty.

Well next is the Caldera, pradise, thaitain wettest.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2004, 06:32:22 pm by stiffy »

Hot Tub Forum

round 2 wetest on sweetwater\palermo
« on: July 02, 2004, 03:26:31 pm »


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