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Author Topic: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question  (Read 2346 times)


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New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:52:00 pm »
Hi folks - first post to this forum. I'm about to buy my first hot tub, but have a question about the pump count and type.

Not counting the circ pump, which I completely understand, is it fair to say two pumps are better than one? And also, are 2-speed pumps better than 1-speed?

Also, while I'm here ... below are the manufacturers I'm looking at. Any comments or input? I have a matrix setup. I'm comparing; warranty, pump count & type, # of jets (but I understand that more is not better), ozone purification, foot well size, foot jets, and stainless steel jets.

Hot Springs
(maybe Bullfrog and Arctic)


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New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:52:00 pm »

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 08:05:45 pm »
The ONLY way to tell what's best is to get INTO the spa and test it out. There's multiple ways of rating the HP of a pump, and what may be ADVERTISED as one HP, may actually be more that something ADVERTISED as more. A spa may be plumbed so inefficiently that it REQUIRES a larger pump just to move the same amount of water and a more efficiently plumbed spa.

Simple question, would you rather have 4 jets moving just the right amount of water, at just the right pressure, installed at just the right location as to give you the perfect message? Or, 150 jets, with 6, 12HP pumps, moving enough water to fill an Olympic pool in under 5 minutes, but none of them are in the right place or give you any kind of therapeutic relief whatsoever?

All of the brands you list are typically in most honest professional opinion in the top 10 (Except for Saratoga, which may be more of a regional brand and not so well known).

Warranty...while extremely important, personally I would look more for dependability (it's nice to know that if you have a 5 year warranty they might fix 10 problems for free while under warranty , but do you want to PAY for another 10 problems the next 5 years it's out of warranty?) Is there a trip charge for warranty work?

If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 10:25:14 am »
Good input from the Doc. I'll add this: "Stainless Steel Jets" do not exist. All jets are plastic, which is what you want in a chlorinated, ozonated environment. Some have Stainless Steel trim rings, which really do not add much if anything in terms of strength or even longevity.

If for some reason you can't or won't wet test the spa you are interested, at the very least get an arm wet: put your hand and arm in front of a compete set of working jets in a tub filled with hot water. Take time to turn all the adjustments: on HotSpring you can add or subtract air into the mix, swap in spin jets or leave the jet open, and the "Diverter Valve" sends more or less pressure to varying groups of jets to radically change the feel in different seats.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 07:15:55 pm »
I agree with everything stated above.  Good solid advice.

I would personally add:

Make sure you at least take a look at Bullfrog.  They have a very unique, patented design that makes them pretty cool, imo.  Take what Doc said about efficient plumbing and you will see some of the benefit.  Bullfrog's design is the absolute most efficient plumbing design available.  They aren't going to have a large number of pumps because, like doc said, they get the best performance possible from their pumps by eliminating most of the plumbing, thus friction.  They also allow you to fully customize the jets by picking which JetPaks you prefer and putting them wherever you want. 

Full disclosure; I currently sell Bullfrog (among a few different brands).  They are my personal favorite, though everyone will have their own opinion.  Most of the brands you listed above are good though.


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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 08:28:54 pm »
2 HP may feel the same as 3 HP depending on the head of the pump (head is a pumps lift measurement) Which effects force along with GPM (gallons per minute, flow volume) Size of plumbing, length of plumbing all effect feel. No manufacturer can say less or more plumbing is a better "feel". Or less or more pump HP can make the "feel" better. But the manufacturers who put the right amount of engineering in all the stuff just listed to achieve a preferred "feel" is a winner. Those you mentioned and others do this right. But those same manufacturers and more others under engineer and use lessor components to meet a price point.

How's that for unbiased unlike most.


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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2014, 08:31:06 pm »
Don't get an ACE chlorinator - it'll just cost you money, time, and stress.  Mine has failed twice in 18 months.
Comparing features is all very well, but if your spa keeps breaking down all the bells and whistles in the world are worthless.

The pumps on my spa have also had to be replaced due to leaking.

While the heater is underpowered and the service response has been abysmal, I'm assured those problems are due to my location.  The high initial cost and high ongoing expenses are apparently global.

I'm a dissatisfied Hotspring Grandee owner who will not be buying that brand again.  Your experience may vary.

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Re: New Hot Tub Buyer - Pump & Mfg Question
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2014, 08:31:06 pm »


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