What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Please excuse the newbie  (Read 2717 times)


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Please excuse the newbie
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:04:47 am »
So, I'm probably going to bite the hot tub bullet in the next year and have some basic questions.  Apologies in advance for being such an ill-informed newbie, but I know participants in this kind of forum love sharing knowledge...

1.  The tub - I'm thinking of buying from a local dealer whose product line consists of Hot Spring and Sundance.  I'm toying with a 6-seater.  For about $7000, they will toss in a cover (with a cover removal system), and deliver and install the tub and give up to a 2 year warranty.  I'm not sure I could handle the headaches that go along with buying direct.  I know I'll pay more going through a dealer, but they will deliver and install the tub in my location, and I like the idea of having someone in my community I can go back to should something not be right.  Friends of mine bought a Hot Spring tub through this same dealer and have been pleased.  Thoughts on dealers v. direct?

2. The base - I was planning on placing the tub on a patio I installed myself about 13 years ago.  I had excavated down about 8-10", put in about a 6" base of compacted crushed stone, then a few inches of compacted sand, and placed simple concrete pavers from Home Depot (18x18x2) on top.  I have had no problems with shifting pavers or frost heaves in the 13 years I've had the patio (I live in the Boston area and we can get substantial freezing and snow from December to March).  Is the patio 100% level?  No, but it is close.  One or two pavers may be off by 1/8" or less, but they have been like that since I built the thing.  Is that good enough or does the base need to be German-engineered level?  I may just lift up enough of the pavers to accommodate the tub and have it sit on the compacted sand underneath.  I would cover any exposed sand with river rocks or something, but I would be concerned that exposing the sand could lead to erosion around the tub from rain and show run off.  Thoughts?


Hot Tub Forum

Please excuse the newbie
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:04:47 am »


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Re: Please excuse the newbie
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 05:09:22 pm »
Go with the dealer and put it onto the pavers. Check the pavers where you intend to put the tub so that you are 100% sure that none are sticking up because water weighs 8lbs a gallon + weight of tub + weight of people in tub = a heck of a lot of weight ad you'd hate for the tub to develop a crack because a paver or two was sticking up more that you thought.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Please excuse the newbie
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 05:09:22 pm »


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