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Author Topic: Bromine Granules vs Tablets  (Read 30650 times)


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Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« on: June 30, 2004, 01:26:00 pm »
Still playing chemist will our 2 week old spa - my question is...

We are using Bromine granules - I have been testing everyday and everyday, whether or not we have used the spa, the test strip shows no Bromine.  I add, run the jets, then test again an hour later and fine with Bromine.  The next day, no bromine.....the other levels are fine (alkaline, ph, hardness)...I then bought a test kit thinking maybe the strips were not accurate...same thing.  Seems the bromine only lasts 18-24 hours...even after shocking (not re-activating, haven't gone that route yet).

Now to the question - would using tablets alleviate having to add bromine everyday....I hear people talk about not testing or adding chemicals for upwards of 2 weeks - I'm sure my spa would be green by then....

BTW, I did speak with the dealer...brought water in for testing (spa and original water source) and all they can tell me is, if all levels are fine, just keep adding bromine as necessary - I guess that means daily.

Thanks for any help and/or suggestions....

Hot Tub Forum

Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« on: June 30, 2004, 01:26:00 pm »


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2004, 02:04:36 pm »
Add 2 0z of spa shock and see what happens. If your bromine level suddenly jumps off the chart, then what you have in your water is bromamines. Contaminated bromine molecules that are in active. My recommendation as per all of my happy customers, and even a couple of not so happy ones...

5 tablets in a floater, set @ 1/2 open. Add a couple new tabs when they are about the size of a dime.

2x a week after spa use, add 1 Table spoon of granular bromine per 100 gallons.

1x a week add 2 ozs. spa shock.

1x a week test and adjust waters pH and alk.

Daily testing will result in overdosing. Once it's in, you can't get it out, and lots of wasted money on test strips and chemicals.
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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2004, 02:20:24 pm »
Thanks for the info - we add 1 pkg (1.5 oz) SpaGuard Enchanced Shock Oxidizer 1x/wk per our dealer (the pkg says add entire pkg per 500 gals water - our spa is 310 gals, but was instructed to add full 1.5 oz).  Is that the same as Spa Shock you refer to?  When I add that, I get high bromine levels - but again, 1 day later, nothing....so I add more bromine.  Are you saying there is bromine in the spa, just not showing up on the test strip or test kit?  And if so, how do I know I have bromine in the water?

I will most likely move to tabs - do you have a suggestion as to what/where I should buy?  I mean, not physically where, but can I go to Walmart, that type of place or must I use same brand (SpaGuard) as I'm using for other chems, which is what our dealer sells.

I'm sure I sound like a doofus, but really want to get this right and take good care of our investment.

Thanks, again


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2004, 03:28:34 pm »
If you wish to buy your chems from Walmart, by all means do so. However, the sale of the spa is only a small part of what your dealer does. He/she needs your patronage for after market sales to keep his/her doors open. Not to mention that typically most dealers offer free water chemistry testing. This service is only "free" when customers purchase their supplies from the dealer offering the service. To USE your dealer in such a way is just as unethical as a sales man lying to make a sale.

There is no test for free bromine vs. available bromine, and shock is shock is shock, what ever it is called enhanced super duper extra plus, look at the ingredients. potasiumperoximonopersulfate = shock
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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2004, 04:47:27 pm »
I have no problem buying my chems from the dealer - just that Walmart is across the street from me and the dealer is 45 minutes away!!!  But, I would never consider going in there for water testing and not buying some chems when I'm there.

Back to my question which I'm not sure you answered....if I test and it reads no bromine, that doesn't necessarily mean there really IS no bromine????  And, if that's the case, at what point do I know I MUST add more???

This is certainly a new learning curve for lil' ole me!!!

Thanks for your patience and help.


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2004, 05:16:05 pm »
Was there ever any LIQUID BROMIDE (or equivilent) added to the water at start-up? This happened to us and no BR reading until I added a bottle. The set-up tech forgot his chemicals and used what we had in our "courtesy" kit.

Just a thought,


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2004, 06:38:31 pm »
Never added any liquid bromide at start-up.  When they installed the spa, the tech said not to even test the water until it was at temp....so he didn't stay the few hours it took to fill the tub and the next several hours for it to get to temp - only after the tub was full and up to temp (the following day from installation) did I add chemicals based on the "baseline" test.  Adjusted the alkaline, ph, then added bromine.  So, maybe that's the problem?  One would think by now after all my calls to the dealer, they would have a clue to this.

Should I be adding liquid bromide now????


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2004, 11:13:24 pm »
In our application (Beachcomber using Bromine Discs), Liquid Bromide is added to the water to set up a Bromide Salt Bank. Then we add Bromate (an oxidizer) to release the sanitizer (Bromine).
I'm still learning, but whatever type of Bromine Sanitizer you are using, you need to add some type of oxidizer to activate it. When we first set up our spa, I got no Br reading no matter how much Bromate I added. When I added the Liquid Bromide, the system started working as expected. You might want to check out Spa Depot's "SpaCyclopedia" and their explanation of Bromine Sanitizing System.

Hope I didn't "cloud" the water for you,


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Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2004, 02:04:55 am »
Hope I dont confuse anyone (still learning everything myself), but I know that you have to have a backup of sanitizer in the water.  In Leisure Time Products its called Sodium BromiDe (stressing that D in there) Packets that we use (that puts bromiNe in the reserve). Then we put in our BromiNe Tablets and then Shock to activate everything.  If you dont have a bank of sanitizer then i think that the bromiNe doesnt stay in there long.  Also, Walmart and Lowes chemicals seem to be watered down versions from my dealer and they dont carry them year round or test the water so I stock up from my dealer.

Hot Tub Forum

Re:  Bromine Granules vs Tablets
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2004, 02:04:55 am »


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