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Author Topic: Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!  (Read 8064 times)


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Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:42:52 am »
We placed a deposit on a Grandee and was conditional upon seeing the unit once the demo model arrived and wet test. So, we did the wet test yesterday and we were very, very underwhelmed. We sat in a few of the seats and wondered if we had the diverters correct and air open. Yup. I would summarize this as more relaxing than therapeutic and the jets gently tickled our backs. As well, I found the two foot "blasters" not nearly enough, especially so far spaced that as an individual you could only reach one at a time from the moto-massage seats. Finally, the moto didn't seem to be working correctly (or maybe it was)... it stayed in one spot and "bobbled" up and down once in a while. A tech admitted it is the most common breakdown on the HS tubs.

We previously had a Beachcomber and loved the powerful jets. Maybe we are comparing two beast with the same expectations. We are looking for therapy as we are very active, RUN up to 3 times/week and CrossFit up to 3 times/week.

So, we left the HS dealer a little disappointed. Around the corner there was a Sundance dealer so we figured we would stop in and check out the Optima. The had a Maxxis filled and WOW, what a difference. The SD was much more powerful, more similar to our BC, but we much better jet action.

So, am I totally missing something here? Has anyone else had the same perception of the Grandee jet power?

I guess it is better be disappointed in the showroom than in the backyard!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 03:54:24 pm by OnMedic »

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Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:42:52 am »


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 11:29:34 am »
Seems a little odd OnMedic.  I have been in the Grandee a few times and have been happy with the jet power.  Foot jets I found to be very strong and moto massage really dug in deep when turned up.

I wonder if you wet tested the 6kw heater model or the 4kw model?


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 09:04:30 pm »
In reading and chatting with others, it appears the 100% filtration (no bypass) may be choking the pumps to an extent and especially if the filters are not passing the demanded water efficiently. My thought it... why is 100% filtration need when the pumps are running? Is the tub not getting 100% filteration when the circ pump is going the other 23.5 hours in the day?

Thanks for the reply kporter. I am curious as to your basis for comparison?


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2014, 11:12:21 am »
The filters if not clean could certainly be decreasing pressure.
The circ pump does run through a filter 24 / 7.
Hotsprings Highlife do not use by pass suction grates so when the jets are running you are still getting %100 filtration.
I personally think its a great idea and work wells. Just need to keep your filters clean.

4kw heater model should have an extra 1/2 horse power in the pumps.


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2014, 11:36:53 am »
I would say something was off with your test soak. I've been in a Grandee and cannot imagine needing more power. Did you try turning the larger individual jets or foot jets within the spa to increase or decrease the pressure? I personally have an Envoy, and find the jets to be more than efficient, In fact the moto-massage on full power is almost painful for me and am happy I can decrease the pressure to customize my therapy level. The 100% filtration works great and when sitting with several people, love the idea that all the water is being filtered when the jets are running and when I need it the most. Having said that, Sundance is a great spa too, so if you weren't happy with the wet test then I would cancel your order and get your money back, try out a few more models until you find the one that has the power your looking for.


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2014, 12:16:07 pm »
I bet the air was not open all the way.  Many of the jets adjust by turning the outside of the jets.

I would double check that Grandee. 
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2014, 04:25:20 pm »
In reading and chatting with others, it appears the 100% filtration (no bypass) may be choking the pumps to an extent and especially if the filters are not passing the demanded water efficiently.

If the spa was running off 1 filter that would be the case but this is why the spa has 5 filters and its why the Tri-x filters were developed, the allow sufficient flow. There was something else going on.


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2014, 03:52:04 pm »
This makes sense, thanks Ace.

Not sire what the scoop was then, something was definitely off. Something else we noticed was that the air valves came off easily when turning them. Easy to get back on, but a bit of a nusance to be honest. We really liked the look of the tub, but have received no help in rectifying the experience so far from the dealer except offering to call up past buyers to see if any of them would be open to having us over for a soak.... which is not really cool with us.

That said, we tested the Optima today and we more impressed than ee expected to be. Liked the four corner seats a lot too. If the hot springs dealer doesn't step up by tomorrow it looks like our mind is made up.

In reading and chatting with others, it appears the 100% filtration (no bypass) may be choking the pumps to an extent and especially if the filters are not passing the demanded water efficiently.

If the spa was running off 1 filter that would be the case but this is why the spa has 5 filters and its why the Tri-x filters were developed, the allow sufficient flow. There was something else going on.

Blue eyes

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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2014, 04:29:26 pm »
I have a Jacuzzi J325 and a FLO 1 code is flashing.  The hot tube still works, although the heater not. I unmoved my filters and started my hot tube again. The next day the code went away. And the heater was working again.  So I cleaned my filters and put them back in the hot tube.  It appears to be working again. Five days later I saw the FLO 1 code again. So I removed my filters and turn the jacuzzi on. A little while later the code went away and the heater working. But every time I but my filters back on I get the code again. I did clean the filters real good. 


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2014, 01:27:31 am »
What did you 'clean' them with? Please, don't say just water.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Grandee jet power...
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2014, 03:53:57 pm »
The dealer wanted to send us back to the other store location, over an hour away, to retest. So, we disolved the deal for the Grandee and went with the Sundance Optima. power felt good, foot jets in the right place and at almost ever seat, wifi app up and running, and the seller was the 4 corner seats. Grey skirt and celestite tub. Will be here in approx 4 weeks, so we had better get the pavilion contracted and the rest of the deck finished!


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Re: Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 05:42:28 pm »
Congratulations on your new tub! That is the same color combination I have on my Optima. Hope you enjoy your  tub as much as my family and I have. Would love to hear your thoughts when you get it up and running.

Topline Mike

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Re: Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 05:43:52 pm »
Good work, medic.  Happy days ahead.

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Re: Grandee jet power... Grandee no more!
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 05:43:52 pm »


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