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Author Topic: Bromine & using Chlorine shock  (Read 1718 times)


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Bromine & using Chlorine shock
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:02:46 am »
I am using Bromine in my hot tub and it is working well. The water is clear other than when one of my sons has a party and then I end up with cloudy and foaming water, probably from the fact that a lot of the kids are wearing sunscreen.
Outside of the parties, when I use the test strip, everything is in the normal range except the chlorine reading which is 0. When the bromine level drops down, I add a tablet or 2 to bring the level back up. I am now starting to experience cloudy water issues. Can I use chlorine shock to clear it or is there a better method?
Thanks, I am new to hot tubs, we have had it about a month.

Hot Tub Forum

Bromine & using Chlorine shock
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:02:46 am »

chem geek

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Re: Bromine & using Chlorine shock
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 01:44:01 pm »
If you have not already done so, you can create a bromide bank by adding 1/2 ounce of sodium bromide product per 100 gallons.  After that, you can use any oxidizer (chlorine, non-chlorine shock MPS) to create more bromine.  Even an ozonator will create bromine from the bromide bank.  If you don't have an ozonator, then using chlorine periodically (say, once a week) to shock the spa to produce more bromine will help keep the water clear since chlorine can oxidize some chemicals that bromine doesn't.

Remember that your bromine tabs are designed to output enough bromine to keep the level stable in between soaks -- you set the vanes so that this happens.  However, unless you are just one person soaking for a very short time (15 minutes or less), then the tabs will not likely keep up with your bather load and you need to add an oxidizer (chlorine, MPS) after each soak (especially if you don't have an ozonator).

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Bromine & using Chlorine shock
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 01:44:01 pm »


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