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Author Topic: Hot Tub Enclosures for year round use - What are people using?  (Read 10802 times)


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After we put our hot tub up on May, and my wife said she would use it out doors all winter with no issue, the story changed.   Come October on Long Island and she tells me that she wants it covered and enclosed for the winter, but she does not want it inside a wood shed or something like that where it will feel all closed in.

So I looked around and found a green house kit that fits the bill nicely.  The Marquis Spirit is a 4 person tub that is rectangular and just fits inside the 8X8 greenhouse with about 20" of space in the front.  A little tight but workable.  I could have gone larger but I didn't want the greenhouse taking over the patio.

Net net it worked great this winter, one of the coldest and highest snow falls in recent memory.  Took 50 mph winds with no trouble.

Here are some photos. 

So, do a lot of people enclose outdoor hot tubs?   

What did you use?   Would you recommend what you did to others?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Ed 8)

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Re: Hot Tub Enclosures for year round use - What are people using?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2014, 08:15:26 pm »
I don't have quite the extreme weather conditions that you do, but we have ours in a screened gazebo. During the winter, if it gets to cold for comfort, we hang shower curtains around the inside of the gazebo to block the brisk breezes. You can see the pics of mine in the pic section of the forum.


Just curious. Is that thing vented? I would think that if it's not, you may have issues with chemicals in the closed space. I don't know anything about hot houses, so it might be well vented.
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn."


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Re: Hot Tub Enclosures for year round use - What are people using?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 11:34:54 am »
Thats a nice setup with the greenhouse.  Might I suggest you take the darkest UV resistant window tint you can find and put it on the roof?  It will keep sun damage off your tub, probably extend the life of your cover and reduce heat in the enclosure somewhat.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot Tub Enclosures for year round use - What are people using?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 11:34:54 am »


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