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Author Topic: Disappointed with Marquis  (Read 8683 times)


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Disappointed with Marquis
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:32:16 pm »
Okay, I'm disabled, and do limited driving except for weekends when my husband is able to drive me around. We called the Marquis dealer to check on the Spirit, yes they had one and it was filled. I had other shopping things to get done so off we went over an hours drive one way, I go first to a speciality shop for a few things I needed. Then we headed over to Marquis. Tub was filled not heated up, they say they can only do wet testing on the week nights after hours, we explained we can't drive over on week nights, just to far away and husband has work.  Construction begins next week on beltway8 on the weekends so no getting through for the next few weekends.
We did get to feel the MicroSilk but in all it was disappointing, they should probably try to add maybe a moisturizer and then that would feel great!
Overall husband was upset that they couldn't work with us to try for a wet tests, so we'll probably stay away from getting a Marquis. At least the Sundance dealer had no problem letting us try a wet test on the Dover on a Saturday...
All the Hot tub places are over an Hour away and we really need a dealer that will work with us, this is all so frustrating. Plus, the price on The Marquis Spirit was no budge on $9,400 and I later found out, because this one had Blue tooth on it and we don't want bluetooth after that well they didn't want to talk so we left, great price for blue tooth, not willing to talk to you if you don't.
Just really disappointed and frustrated...and microsilk is over rated....Needed the vent..

Looks like a Capri from Sundance might be our winner, do you have a moisturizer that can be added into the water?

Hot Tub Forum

Disappointed with Marquis
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:32:16 pm »


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 11:15:09 am »
Really sorry to hear this Chartreux. I know you've been waiting a while to test the Marquis and from various posts it sounded like you were looking forward to it. Probably better to find out now however, that the dealer was not cooperative, than to find out after you purchased a tub from them. I still maintain getting a good dealer is a very important part of the purchase, and if this one isn't a good dealer then walk away and know you are making the right decision.


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2014, 04:53:21 pm »
Try Silk Balance as a water conditioner.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2014, 08:51:25 pm »
Okay, I'm disabled, and do limited driving except for weekends when my husband is able to drive me around. We called the Marquis dealer to check on the Spirit, yes they had one and it was filled. I had other shopping things to get done so off we went over an hours drive one way, I go first to a speciality shop for a few things I needed. Then we headed over to Marquis. Tub was filled not heated up, they say they can only do wet testing on the week nights after hours, we explained we can't drive over on week nights, just to far away and husband has work.  Construction begins next week on beltway8 on the weekends so no getting through for the next few weekends.
We did get to feel the MicroSilk but in all it was disappointing, they should probably try to add maybe a moisturizer and then that would feel great!
Overall husband was upset that they couldn't work with us to try for a wet tests, so we'll probably stay away from getting a Marquis. At least the Sundance dealer had no problem letting us try a wet test on the Dover on a Saturday...
All the Hot tub places are over an Hour away and we really need a dealer that will work with us, this is all so frustrating. Plus, the price on The Marquis Spirit was no budge on $9,400 and I later found out, because this one had Blue tooth on it and we don't want bluetooth after that well they didn't want to talk so we left, great price for blue tooth, not willing to talk to you if you don't.
Just really disappointed and frustrated...and microsilk is over rated....Needed the vent..

Looks like a Capri from Sundance might be our winner, do you have a moisturizer that can be added into the water?

Well that stinks. Sometimes a poor dealer can make the best tubs not look so good. Micro silk you really need to sit in it for a half hour or so to get the full effect. Did they know you were coming in to do a wet test?  Good luck in your search for the right tub and dealership for you.


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2014, 11:51:52 pm »
Thank You.

In August, they we're just getting the hot tubs in, (newer dealer) guy we spoke with said they'd expect them to be filled in September when School starts if they still had it on the showroom floor.  In September, I had a one time weekday Specialists (Endocrin doctor for a beign pituatary gland tumor) appointment and was up by the dealer so we went to this dealer and they had the tubs waiting to get wired, no problem they we're expecting some one soon, that all we had to do was call to see if they were filled for the wet tests no mention of an appointment was needed at any of these times. So, this same tub has been sitting on the showroom floor since August. Just seems everytime we dropped by something else was always a problem...

Can't get through now as construction will be up on the highway and since they can only do the construction on the weekends it'll probably be closed off for the next Three weekends, they are upgrading toll booths ect...


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2014, 03:43:28 pm »
You tried it out with cold water in it?  Or did you just stick your hand in the water?  I've soaked in the MicroSilk spa and I think it feels great, I would imagine it wouldn't feel nearly as good if the water was cold.  If you have a high level of calcium in the water in your area, that could make the water feel like it was drying your skin out.

If you don't care for the MicroSilk feature, have you asked about ordering a Signature Spirit without MicroSilk and without the sound system?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 05:38:45 pm by MarKee »

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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2014, 04:58:47 pm »
We did get to feel the MicroSilk but in all it was disappointing, they should probably try to add maybe a moisturizer and then that would feel great!
Overall husband was upset that they couldn't work with us to try for a wet tests, so we'll probably stay away from getting a Marquis. At least the Sundance dealer had no problem letting us try a wet test on the Dover on a Saturday...
All the Hot tub places are over an Hour away and we really need a dealer that will work with us, this is all so frustrating. Plus, the price on The Marquis Spirit was no budge on $9,400 and I later found out, because this one had Blue tooth on it and we don't want bluetooth after that well they didn't want to talk so we left, great price for blue tooth, not willing to talk to you if you don't.
Just really disappointed and frustrated...and microsilk is over rated....Needed the vent..

Looks like a Capri from Sundance might be our winner, do you have a moisturizer that can be added into the water?

You hit a couple key points. You want to feel a certain comfort level with whatever dealer you choose, especially when its not someone around the corner as is your case. In a way you're interviewing both the dealer and their product  so take your time and just keep looking.

As far as adding any kind of moisturizer to the water just be careful because anything you're adding into the water you're also going to be filtering out so if they recommend anything ask if its in their wet test spas and if not ask them to add some so you can see what its like.


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2014, 08:57:42 pm »
To MarKee, only had my hand in the tub, as it was cold, they did warm it up, but again only was able to feel it with my hand.
The whirlpool effect looks like it would be nice...The bottom paneling could use more venting holes for good air circulation especially here in the Southern States...
Just saying because when they turned the heat on the bottom panels got hot as I did sit on the steps to rest.

No, we did not get in a cold wet tub, no no...that's not happening...


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2014, 01:05:25 am »
Where do you live at?  Even in 100+ degree weather the spa won't overheat, that is the reason for the vents (some spas have no ventilation).  Perhaps you should call and ask for the manager or owner of the store to see if they can arrange a wet test on the weekend, sorry you had a bad experience.


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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2014, 09:51:30 am »
South of Houston...No Spa/Hot tub dealers near me at all, The delivery fee's would probably be at least $500. This week I just need to rest up, these drives leave me in so much pain just not worth it especially with the next few weekend's construction. Construction on the weekends on beltway8 won't allow for traveling and it'll probably be under construction until December.

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Re: Disappointed with Marquis
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2014, 09:51:30 am »


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