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Author Topic: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours  (Read 4267 times)


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Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:22:30 am »
Hi all,

We got a new Jacuzzi J-385 a few weeks ago. Things have been going well. I read in the manual that the default setting is an 8 hour filtration cycle (we're using Nature2 in the main filter). Since we have free power from 7 - 11pm I wanted to have at half of the 8 hour be in there so I reset the breaker so that it would start right around that time. Before that I thought a few times that the clearray and circ pumped seemed to be running earlier in the day than I expected given when the initial power was supplied. Since I reset the breaker I've noticed the pump running when I didn't think it should be. Turns out that the spa store changed it from the default PF2 which is 8 hours a day to PF6 which is 24 hours per day.

I know the circ pump doesn't draw a lot of power but having a pump running constantly seems like a bit much. Also I wonder if the clearray bulb and pro clear cartridge will wear out faster having it going 24 hours? Any thoughts on what people are keeping these at? Should I go to the default 8 hour / day or something in between.

We haven't received the first electric bill yet and it'll be tough to gauge anyway since we had the Christmas decorations up.

thanks for any input!

Hot Tub Forum

Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:22:30 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2015, 05:44:21 pm »
 It's really up to you and the use, but 8hrs a day is probably fine.  And ideally the nat 2 should be on the circ pmp side of the system.   How you liking the spa?


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Re: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2015, 06:10:46 pm »
Again it is really up to you and your use. 8 may be more than enough some day. I used to find 4 was enough for 1-2 soaks a week. But this could be different depending on your sanitation routine. And yes, stuff wears out faster when it is used more.


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Re: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 07:11:57 pm »
Again it is really up to you and your use. 8 may be more than enough some day. I used to find 4 was enough for 1-2 soaks a week. But this could be different depending on your sanitation routine. And yes, stuff wears out faster when it is used more.

I agree 4 is enough with average use when its filtering via the low speed on a jet pump but this is a circ pump. In that case it needs more IMO but 8 hrs may be enough with average use or less. Being that its a new spa I'd we'd usually expect usage to be high since its the new shiny toy so I wonder if 8 hrs is enough but you could start at that and monitor the water.
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Re: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2015, 08:47:32 pm »
Yep, we have the Nature2 in the filter closest to the control panel which they said is the one the circ pump goes through. So far the spa is awesome! We're in it 5 nites out of 7 for generally 30 - 40 minutes at a time. Sometimes not even with the pumps on the whole time, just sitting in the 102 water is nice. The other nite it was well into the single digits and we were out there. It's about 15' from the house to the tub and the coming in isn't bad since we're warmed up, it's the run out to jump in the tub that's testy :)

I think I'll take it to a 12 hour cycle and see how that does, might even do the 3 hours - 4 times / day setting. If the water still is crystal clear and is balanced ok, I'll take it down to 8.

thanks for the advice!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Thoughts on having circ pump run 24 hours
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2015, 08:47:32 pm »


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