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Author Topic: Head Rests Turning Sticky  (Read 4289 times)


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Head Rests Turning Sticky
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:56:10 am »

I purchased a Coyote Spa from Arctic Spa in August of 2011, used it for 1 month and had Durham Arctic Spa close it for the winter.  In the summer of 2012 (a very hot summer here in Oshawa, Ontario) we frequently left the cover off during the day when we used the spa, off and on.  Very soon we noticed when you put your head back on the pillow your hair stuck to the pillow and you couldn't move your head (without leaving a lot of hair behind).  They seemed oily so we used various cleaners Durham Arctic Spa's suggestion after calling their service department),  but nothing worked.  Eventually we gave up and took them back to Durham Arctic, apparently this was not a defect because we exposed the interior of the spa to direct sun!!  I wasn't aware that Coyote Spas were not intended for outdoor use.  In any event we purchased new pillows for the head rests (over $100) and henceforth only left the cover off after dark.  We opened our spa at the end of April, the cover was never opened and the heat internally a "cool" 100 degrees, slipped into the spa yesterday for the first time (June 6) and left half of my hair on the pillow.  Has anyone else experienced this with any other make.  Durham Arctic tells me this is "normal" yet we had a Beachcomber for 10 years and never had an issue (and we left the cover off all the time during the summer).

Hot Tub Forum

Head Rests Turning Sticky
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:56:10 am »


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Re: Head Rests Turning Sticky
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 11:34:01 am »
When we bought our tub our dealer told us the headrests were not covered under warranty. He suggested that once we are done our soak we remove the headrests. It's a brand new tub and so far we have been doing this. At least on our tub, it's not a big deal to do.


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Re: Head Rests Turning Sticky
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 06:27:51 pm »
I have a 9 YO Artesian Grand Cayman with "rubber" head rests and they are discolored but not sticky. I would contact Artic directly and pose that question to them.Maybe you are using chemicals that don't sit well with the headrests.

Not to sound stupid but I wonder if it's worth it for you to take the headrests off when you shut the spa, I know I'm talking about that being a PITA. I considered buying new headrests but it's too expensive as one of the headrests is about $80 for one ... the smaller ones are less but I have 6 total. Personally (and it doesn't do either of us any good now) if I ever buy another spa I will never buy a spa with soft headrests.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Head Rests Turning Sticky
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 06:27:51 pm »


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