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Author Topic: SWCG who is using them?  (Read 3397 times)


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SWCG who is using them?
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:11:53 am »
Was curious what kind of refill process you do when using a SWCG.
Who has been using them and whats your reciepe?

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SWCG who is using them?
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:11:53 am »


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Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 02:09:04 pm »
I use the Hot Springs ACE system....No experience on any other SWCG. The ACE is different than others and I do nothing but balance PH manually...I got 7 months on my last tub with the original water before selling it and replacing it with a new 2014 tub...Just a few months now so no history report yet. I add salt at fill up and that's it...Balance PH every month or two and let it ride...Never had a water issue and my water at 7 months was clean and clear without any odor. The ACE system is only for use on HS Products so this may be of no use to you and not to be compared to other SWCG's.


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Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 04:11:51 pm »
We switched over our hot tub 3 weeks ago to a Saltron Mini Salt Chlorine Generator System.  We have the PH & Alk at perfect levels and initially ran the unit for 3 hours a day, then 4 hours and now we're up to 7 hours a day (which is the max) and still no free chlorine is registering on the test strip.  The salt is at 2900 ppm and our hot tub is 550 gal.  We have not added any stabilizer because the hot tub is covered and not exposed to sunlight.  No idea why we can't get the free chlorine up to desired levels, if anyone has any idea why this is happening, we're all ears.


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Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 06:36:55 pm »
I also have a Saltron Mini, its been in my relatively new to me Hot Spring Jetsetter since about the first of February.  Overall I like it, just wish for a bit finer resolution on the run time timer which is digital number of hours per day, currently set at 2 hours per day on a 210 gallon tub.  I am running about 20-30 ppm on CYA stabilizer in my tub, and with my local fairly acidic water (usually about 6.8 to 6.9 out of the tap)  have to occasionally increase the pH from time to time.  Note I also run a  Del AGP ozonator.

As to UrbanUtah's question, you may have something growing in your tub that is consuming all available chlorine if the SWG is working (does it buble when running?)


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Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2014, 03:46:50 pm »
No it is not foaming, just normal aeration bubbles when the jets are on.  What kind of "thing" might be growing?  Ewww!  We just drained the hot tub 2 weeks ago and flushed the lines, which we do with every water change.  My husband removes every last drop of water when we do water changes.  We bought a hose-end charcoal water filter, which we used this time when we refilled the hot tub and put new filters in this time as well since we were switching from a Blue copper system to the salt system.  The water is crystal clear (in fact, clearer than I think I've ever seen it).  I called Spa Depot yesterday, where we purchased the Saltron from, and the guy told me to add 1 ½ capfuls of Oxy Spa to it "to activate the chlorine," which only temporarily raised the chlorine levels.  When I checked it again this morning there is nothing registering again on the strip.  It jumped to normal levels after I added the Oxy Spa.  We are now running it 4 hours a day (they told us to turn it down from 7 hours, which is what we were running by the end of last week with still no chlorine registering on the strip.  The generator is producing the fine bubble mist when running and appears to be working fine, but we just aren't getting any chlorine rise, it's so weird.


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Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2014, 03:52:29 pm »
Correction, we switched over 3 weeks ago, not 2 weeks ago.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: SWCG who is using them?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2014, 03:52:29 pm »


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