Morning all
I'm a complete hot tub newbie - we just inherited a tub when we bought our house. I've never had one before and having read various guides on water care, and speaking to a couple of hot tub owners locally, they all suggest different things.
So - the spa is a Marquis Spa Mirage. Its about 10 years old.
The previous owners drained it for the winter.
I have cleaned the shell using some shell cleaner which they left (this was purchased from a local hot tub shop) and I have refilled the spa with cold water.
I have a new filter on order (never know what the previous owners were doing in there

What do I need to do next? Some people have mentioned running it for an hour, draining and refilling. Some have said just to add the correct amount of chlorine and get on with it.
What would you do?
Kind Regards