Doesn't really matter what brand the tub is. JJ is correct, it could be Dream Maker, but what you need to know is that the control box was made by Len Gordon. The "HT" part of the model number means the tub has no heater. What? That's right, no heater. It used "Heat Transfer" from the pump and or pump motor to get the water hot. Takes days to get up to temp in cold weather, and can't keep hot in freezing temps.
You may find info on line about a replacement system which has a model number of HT-1000-Y2K, but I strongly recommend you replace it with something different: something
with a heater. There are 'Plug n Play' systems available, they have a 1000 watt heater (which can switch to 4000 watt if you go 220 volt). Those can plug into most any outlet on 110 volt, hardwire on 220 volt.