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Author Topic: Considering buying a used 2008 Leisure Bay Spa -- Elite Series - Flores  (Read 11128 times)


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We have never owned a spa before and suffered from sticker after our first shopping trip.

We heard about a 2008 Leisure Bay Elite Series (Model is Flores) for sale by the original owner. We're going to go look at it in a couple of days. He is replacing the pump at his expense (replacing smaller part but just about as cheap to replace the pump he said). Apparently he paid $11,000 when he bought it new.

The asking price is $2000. He was asking $3000, but his aunt who told us about it said $2000. He agreed to go with what she told us because he needs to sell quickly since he is moving.

Seeking opinions about the Leisure Bay brand. Should we avoid it? I can't find much online about it.

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IF he paid 11 g's he got screwed. The life expectancy of that tub is about over.


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When I started shopping for a used hot tub in January I found one of those for sale only 3 miles away with a similar asking price and claimed purchase price.  A bit of research showed they were available new for about $6,000 and most of the online reviews said they were not worth anywhere near that much when new.  The next week I found the Hot Spring Jetsetter that I ended up buying online about 150 miles away for less money.



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Thanks for the input. Since we've never had a hot tub/spa before, we don't want to spend a lot of money on something we end up never using. That's why we are looking at used.

Do you have recommendations on an inexpensive new spa we might check out?


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I agree with the sticker shock, but, I'm saving up and I'll have a little over half saved up when we make our purchase, plus you do want to take time with such a huge purchase. You could try for a home improvement loan from your bank...In the end it is worth it for a good brand, just make sure to do your homework and do a few wet tests, the wet tests is the most important because you'll find out how much you float and what levels to turn the jets to, some tubs have more adjustments with the jets than others and you can slways save some money by not getting the audio systems...and if your not overly tall you could get a smaller tub and save that way as well...My husband is tall so the medium tubs( 4 to 6 person) are the ones we are looking at now....it's not a purchase you have to jump into...take your time...like me and get to know what you'll need like a 60 amp panel is bests in the way of electrical ...ect...


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Hot tubs depreciate worse than just about anything else I can think of, so if you don't need the warranty, there are some potentially great deals on used tubs.  (warranties on hot tubs do not transfer)  Typically even on quality tubs you can find over 50% depreciation in slightly used tubs (1-2 years old), and 75% depreciation is not uncommon at 3-4 years even when the tubs were well maintained and kept in a sheltered location.  Another option is to buy a refurbished trade in tub from a dealer, these can typically save you over 50% off a new tub, and may be a great value depending on that dealers definition of "refurbished" as some come with warranties.


Pers Onal

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wouldn't surprise me if the paperwork didn't match what he claims. Bet he can't come up with it.

When there is no title, they magically are newer.

My son and I bought a dirt bike ( normally not titled) and looked at a number of motorcycles.

We had the serial number codes for the years. Without fail, every seller on Craigslist represented the bike one two or three years newer than the serial number said. What the retail price originally was supposed to have been was inflated also.

Actually, I tend to think better of my fellow man than that.

I guess money means than integrity to some, or maybe they just have horrible memories.

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