Sorry Chas? Â Howbout sorry Z? Â Why do you find it SO important to come here and continously insult me? Â

If you look back at any of my posts on any board you'll find I have NEVER said anything negative about a Hot Springs. (I assume you're a dealer) Â I like HS... it's a great tub. Â Heck, you won't find any posts of mine being negative towards ANY tub. Â If I don't like one, I don't say anything... momma taught me that in kindergarten!
I'm sure it's pretty obvious I was "hot" when I posted my last comments. Â I was running out the door to an appointment around 90 miles from home, (sold a TS "Lexington Standard" Â

) and didn't have the time to reread before posting. Â In hindsite, I shouldn't have hit the "post" button at all, flames aren't my style.
If I offended anyone, my apologies. Â
Anyway, about the Arthritis Foundation. Â We are in no way ENDORSED by them, but one of our spas carries the "Ease of Use Commendation". Â It's the only spa in production by any company that holds this honor.
Let me explain how this came to be...
Recognizing the need for easy-to-use products, packaging, and services, the Arthritis Foundation created its ``Ease of Use'' commendation program. The Healing Spa from ThermoSpas is the first hot tub ever to be awarded the Ease of Use Commendation.
When ThermoSpas began designing this unique spa, we went to the Arthritis Foundation for their input.
First, we questioned a panel of experts from the Foundation with arthritis. Â A large group was brought to our factory where they tested all of our spa models. Â They found that although pleasant, a lot would have to be modified to make the "perfect" spa for people stricken with this condition. Â
Things that most of us take for granted, like removing a filter, stepping from a typical spa step into the tub, rotating a control, going from a sitting to standing position within the tub, and many others were next to impossible for some within this group.
The answers from this panel showed us just where we needed to improve/change... Â we took the answers they provided and we designed The Healing Spa to include all of their recommendations.
ThermoSpas worked directly with The Arthritis Foundation to design this innovative spa... from the ground up. Â Certainly some of you know how much $ and time go into designing a totally new product from the ground up.
We designed The Healing Spa to satisfy the requirements of an unprecedented panel of volunteers from the Foundation - all with severe arthritis themselves. We answered their needs for easy access, entry and exit safety, graspable controls, uncomplicated maintenance and much more.
As a result of this collaborative effort, The Healing Spa was awarded the Arthritis Foundation's prestigious Ease of Use Commendation. Â
Not only did we earn the commendation, but because of our dedication we were also given the "Corporate Hero Award" from them...
No, they certainly don't "endorse us"... but we've worked hand in hand with them (at considerable expense to us) to help a group with special needs, and we're proud of it.
Sure, we give $50 to the foundation when someone buys a Healing Spa... but no matter how hard I try, I can't find the error in this. Â It's a wonderful thing... and it's also wonderful that Hot Springs gives regularly to the foundation as well!
Along the same lines, when the Starlight Foundation was looking for a spa for a disabled child, Thermospas came through and donated one. Â THIRTEEN other companies were asked and DECLINED the gift before they came to us.
We also have what we call our "Seasons of Giving" program. Â We donate a tub approximately every two
months to a child somewhere in the United States that
has special needs. Â That's around 6 spas a year we
give away to help someone in need.
Anyway, I need to get some sleep... after a quick dip
of course! Â
Let's make sure to try to represent OUR industry as a
whole in a positive light on these boards. Â I know that
we all get a bit passionate about or individual spas, but remember, we all get people into hot water! Â