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Author Topic: "Things to know" for Newbies  (Read 2934 times)


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"Things to know" for Newbies
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:50:01 pm »
A member from my other forum shared a list of tips for me as a new tub owner. Some newbies like me reading might find it worth reading.

- Placement/Location - Hot tubing in the winter you will quickly realize wind is the enemy Plan accordingly, place close to the house. Plan for wind barriers.

- If you care, plan for showers for guest and dressing room

- Invest in a quality testing kit, the dip strips are junk. This one by Taylor has everything you will need:


If you don't get that kit, make sure that you get one that uses a filtration method for determining your free available chlorine.

- Don't buy into the pool/hot tub stores crap about needing to buy their expensive chemicals. Need to make pH go up? Use baking soda. Need to make it go down? Use dry acid from your hardware store. Need to increase your chlorine level? Use regular unscented household bleach. The "shock" you buy from the pool store is sodium hypochlorite - bleach.

- Go to www.troublefreepool.com and do some reading in their chemistry forum. They also have a series of articles entitled pool school to teach you everything you need to know about water chemistry.

- Don't bother getting the built in TV or speakers in your hot tub - eventually the water will get to them and they will be junk. If you want outdoor audio/video, invest in a decent setup once.

- Buy extra terry cloth robes for guests that forgot one.

- Crocs are a good choice for going to/from the spa.

- Guests that go in your spa wearing a lot of perfume, makeup, deodorant, etc will eat your free available chlorine faster than someone that just got out of the shower.

- Never, ever, ever let your free available chlorine go to zero. You spa will start to grow things faster than you would believe.

- Invest in foaming hornet spray because those suckers will think the inside of your spa is an awesome place to hang out.

- Best option is to wet test the spa your are looking to buy, i.e. bring your bathing suit to the store. You might find the seats don't fit you all that well if you are very tall or short. If your dealer won't let you wet test it, find another dealer.

These are just a few things that have popped into my head.  Good luck with your purchase.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 01:30:47 pm by Letran »

Hot Tub Forum

"Things to know" for Newbies
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:50:01 pm »


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