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Author Topic: Vortex spa / spaworldna  (Read 43476 times)


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2014, 09:56:36 am »
Ryan,  I am talking about the overall experience with your company.  Bryan and you are in defensive mode, so we are not going to get anywhere with this conversation.  My emails and phone calls were often not attended to promptly.  I am not talking about the conversations you mentioned.  Days elapsed before my email or phonce call was answered and not just once. For an item I paid 15,000 for this is not the type of serivce I expected.  I am not going to spend my time going through each and every contact with you as you are just going to come back with some defensive excuse. 

I have bought a spa elsewhere and the phone is answered by a human, not an answering machine.  Emails are answered promptly  They are going to expedite my order as they are sympathetic with my situation.  We shall see how long it takes to get my refund from you.  You didn't answer my question as to why the main office is not able to email or fax the form you need to process my refund.  It has been 5 days since I was told I would get a refund in 48 hours.  That is a good example of my dealing with your company.

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2014, 09:56:36 am »


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2014, 10:16:16 pm »
Simply because the local dealer would sell it for 22k ;)

The local dealers is 5 grand more swim spa and it gets delivered and set up and warranted by him. Worth it to me to pay a couple grand for that.


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2014, 09:11:42 am »
Simply because the local dealer would sell it for 22k ;)

There's a local dealer for the same product? 
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2014, 07:47:39 am »
Simply because the local dealer would sell it for 22k ;)

The local dealers is 5 grand more swim spa and it gets delivered and set up and warranted by him. Worth it to me to pay a couple grand for that.

5 grand better spa from the local dealer. And he delivers, sets up and warrants it.


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2014, 04:20:44 pm »
I have seen the extensive reviews by "Newbie" on Vortex and other spas, but I can assure you I have had the same miserable experience with Vortex almost to a tee.  I have no relation to Newbie other than the miserable experience with Vortex. 

I had a miserable experience with this company and would like to inform others so they may not have to go through the same experience.  I paid Vortex in Quebec, Canada (Vortexspas.ca) to ship a swim spa to my residence in California on February 8th, 2014.  I was told it would arrive at my home in 6 weeks, March 17th 2014.  I paid the balance on March 17th and received nothing but excuses up until May 8th when I finally had to start a "dispute" case with my credit card company.  This "company," I think there is only one representative in all, kept my over $15,000 for 3 months with no pool to show for it.  My credit card company fully refunded me and today May 12, 2014 there is still no refund from Vortex as promised.  Nothing but empty and miserable promises from this company and a lot of frustration!  I would recommend additional research when purchasing a swim spa, although the price was good, the customer service was pathetic...nothing but excuses...I should have ended it a lot sooner.

Ryan VSO

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2014, 06:38:44 pm »
Miss Lucas ,

your Swim spa is still under custum hold just like many custumers in your situation , some has choose to be refunded and some still wait . For you refund , I would suggest you to contact your credit card issuer to have the proper information as we already refunded the purchase weeks ago .

best regards ,



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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2014, 11:38:24 am »
Confused? ,Is it Ryan or are we now Brian?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2014, 01:19:18 pm »
Confused? ,Is it Ryan or are we now Brian?

  Just go with,  BRyan    By him or them posting here seems to have been turned it into a complaint center more than anything...


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2014, 06:20:35 am »
Back to the board room to think of another sales strategy. Bombing the web forums backfired.

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2014, 12:14:10 am »
Bad experience with  vortex online from canada, I would like to hear from one person that actually got there spa on time or actually got there spa. Sounds like everyone has the same experience with vortex, sorry wrong spa or stuck in customs for over two months, how long can customs hHold for??? Sorry no spa customs has it for 6 months. Then will not return calls when promises go past dates,   People just want some reassurance when spending that kind of money, and they do not do that. Better to spend the extra money and buy from someone face to face.

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2014, 12:48:26 am »
I did not complain about delivery at week 4.  I was mislead about delivery.  At one point I was told spa would be delivered in 7 to 10 days on 2/22 or 2/33 via phone).  Per my email I said delivery on 3/10 would be fine.  I arranged for contractor to start after that date.  He ordered door & windows.  Later I find out this date was delivery to port, not my house.  It was not in the port then either, but weeks later.  Why didn't Ryan say I didn't understand what he said.  He obviously ignored the fact that my expectation was that spa would be delivered on 3/10.

Now for a rerun of what has happened.  I am not going to list each and every email and phone call, but the important stuff.  I ordered spa on 1/28.  Tried to pay within 24 hours, but Paypal will not accept payments this large.  You have clearly stated that Paypal is accepted for this item, and your Ebay items still state this even though I brought this to Brian's attention.  He said they can't be changed until end of auction, which is not true. As long as there are no bids and at least 24 hours left on listing it can be changed.

Next Brian sent me an invoice through Paypal for 10,000, which I promptly paid on 1/29.  You decided that you could not accept this, so said to pay with my credit card.  You issued refund of Paypal payment on 2/1, but money was not returned until 2/7 as you did not have money in your account for transaction.  At this point I have paid and spa should have been put into production.  On 2/6 I paid via credit card.  You had 25,000 of my money at this point as I did not realized I didn't get my money refunded from Paypal.  I finally got the 10,000 back from Paypal on 2/7.  So real order date should have been 2/1 as you had 10,000 of my money on that day.  I cancelled my order on 4/8, which is 66 days or almost 9 1/2 weeks from my payment of 10,000.  Since you don't want to consider my 10,000 as partial payment and want to do the 2/6 date, in which you had double my money the time frame is still well beyond 6 weeks.  This is 61 days or 8 1/2 weeks.  In my eyes you had my money on 2/1 since your web pages accepts orders with 1/3 down.  I have been mislead the entire time and phone calls & email not returned.  I actually had to block my name on cell phone to get someone other than voice machine at 800 number.  Brian did give me his cell number, but my phone plan does not include calls to Canada, so useless to me.

I am now told I will not get my money back yet, even though I requested this and it was agreed that you would return my money on 4/11.  My husband was told on the phone refund would take 48 hours after acknowledgement of our email on 4/9 , which should have been yesterday 4/11.  I contacted Brian on 4/11 asking why no refund and now he has to wait for authorization from main office on Monday 4/14.  I'm sure another excuse will be made on Monday.

Of course it need the headoffice approval , we would of made the delivery on time if it would not been of the custum inspection , having a swim spa unit stock in a warehouse because you choose to not wait till the custum has cleared it is normaly subject to cancellation fees wich we wont charge in this case but it does need the approval from the headoffice. For the ebay listing it has been changed and you CANT change it when its in an auction that has less than 24 hours left.

You have not been mislead about the delivery , I have check the recording and Brian said clearly on the phone 21 days of production and between 15-21 days for the delivery. On february 23 th we have  sent you an email saying that your unit will leave the manufacturer on march 4th . If you add 15 to 21 days it bring us to march 19 th to march 26 th .

That being said , we have now added on our contract that we guarantee 5-6 weeks for the delivery but custumer must be aware that if theres a custum exam , it may take an extra 48 hours ( x-ray ) to 21 business days . Custum inspections are not something we do control .

I have your file on my desk and it will be take care of as soon as the approval from the headoffice has been received wich we expect to be this coming monday .

Just wondering why you say customs takes 21 business days and when I cancelled it was in there for over 40 business days and in port for over 50 days


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2020, 08:28:53 pm »
Vortex Spas is now available from multiple dealers across the Country , Showroom locations can be found on their website . They have a facility in Vancouver where they stock , test and do the assembly of their products with Canadian made parts. These feedback are from 2014 and was made at a time where Vortex spas were only selling online and failed in deliverying their product on time . This is not the case anymore and I would suggest any of you looking for that product to go check the Ontario Distribution google review to see many real customer reviews .

best regards


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2020, 09:50:19 pm »
Vortex Spas is now available from multiple dealers across the Country , Showroom locations can be found on their website . They have a facility in Vancouver where they stock , test and do the assembly of their products with Canadian made parts. These feedback are from 2014 and was made at a time where Vortex spas were only selling online and failed in deliverying their product on time . This is not the case anymore and I would suggest any of you looking for that product to go check the Ontario Distribution google review to see many real customer reviews .

best regards

That must screw up your entire sales presentation. It used to be cut out the dealer by direct and save thousands. Guess that didn’t work out well for you guys. Stick to a reputable brand with dealers who have been selling the brand for many years.


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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2020, 09:43:35 pm »
It was indeed a mistake , we have learned from that mistake and now we have a Canadian facility that carry stock and most of our dealers have been around for 25 years . With all these dealers , customers are now able to see and try our product before they buy .

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Re: Vortex spa / spaworldna
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2020, 09:43:35 pm »


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