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Author Topic: J365 depth of water level  (Read 2057 times)


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J365 depth of water level
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:19:31 pm »
Ok so he is one that might not of been asked or discussed before. My town  has 5' setback from the property line for any pool or spa unless:

Here is the ordinance:

Portable pool shall mean any above surface type of swimming, bathing, or wading pool that contains water not more than 24 inches deep, and is constructed of canvas, rubber, plastic or other material, not designed or intended to be stationary or permanently fixed, but designed and intended to be removed and stored.

Swimming or bathing pool shall mean any private pool or other body of water whether permanently constructed or of the portable type having a depth of more than 18 inches below the level of the surrounding land or an above-surface pool or other body of water having a depth more than 24 inches whether or not designed, used and maintained for swimming or bathing purposes by an individual for use of the members of his household and guests, and located on applicant's land as an accessory use to a residence, and shall include all buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances thereto.

So as I read this the setback does not apply if the water depth is 24" or less.  Does anyone have an idea of where I might find this type of info for jacuzzi or is the depth all relative as to how we as owners fill the tub?????


Hot Tub Forum

J365 depth of water level
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:19:31 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J365 depth of water level
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 09:32:36 pm »
 The height of the J-365 is 38"  water level is gonna be just below the pillows, so minus say 6 maybe 7" if that from the top.  Maybe 30" at the lowest would be pushing it,  pretty sure your not getting down to 24" without spraying water like  a fire hose out of the spa, or worse yet keeping it above the filters.. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: J365 depth of water level
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 09:32:36 pm »


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