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Author Topic: Hotsprings Envoy qustion  (Read 7385 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2014, 01:04:16 am »
 Sundance and Jacuzzi are both great spa's along with the HS. Lazy boy and Master spa have their place with others in certain lines including Sundance/Jacuzzi and yes HS as well.    As far as price, the others are not really cheaper just less expensive in certain circles.   I wouldn't spend 13000.00 on a spa no matter what the brand,  but that's me..   All the sales pitch crap aside, what do you want in a spa?   

  For the ace system, I and probably others are not "haters" like some here would believe.  We can just do with out it, spas and chems have been around a lot longer than the salt systems and have a proven record.  That being said if I were an off the street consumer I might consider it, but not at 1300 bucks extra.  Find something you like and a budget/dealer you are comfortable with, try some wet testing and see what works.  You are the buyer, no pressure no hurry find what you like and go with it.   

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2014, 01:04:16 am »

Water Boy

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2014, 11:11:23 am »
Question for all the Hotspring dealers that replied. Can the customer add the Ace after the fact if they decide to? Or does it have to be factory installed at the time of purchase? If it can, if the customer isn't 100% sure, maybe they could try it out without the Ace to see, and then always add it later if still desired.
Yes the ACE can be added after/later to the Limelight and Highlife models only. It does not come factory installed on any models currently....The ACE is a Dealer add at time of instillation. The Hot Spot and Freeflow tubs will not support the ACE system.

OK thanks. Thats interesting that it isn't a factory installed option. I guess if it is that easy to install after the fact though, that makes sense. That would make it a no brainer for me then as a consumer to try the spa out for a while without the Ace system, and then maybe add it later if you want to try it out later.

Also, didn't see any hating or "haters" as the HS dealers suggested. The OP asked for opinions on it, and people gave honest options, with no bashing or hating imo. Just my .02 cents! ;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 11:14:22 am by Water Boy »
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2014, 12:43:31 pm »
Question for all the Hotspring dealers that replied. Can the customer add the Ace after the fact if they decide to? Or does it have to be factory installed at the time of purchase? If it can, if the customer isn't 100% sure, maybe they could try it out without the Ace to see, and then always add it later if still desired.

OK thanks. Thats interesting that it isn't a factory installed option. I guess if it is that easy to install after the fact though, that makes sense. That would make it a no brainer for me then as a consumer to try the spa out for a while without the Ace system, and then maybe add it later if you want to try it out later.

Also, didn't see any hating or "haters" as the HS dealers suggested. The OP asked for opinions on it, and people gave honest options, with no bashing or hating imo. Just my .02 cents! ;)
Yes the ACE can be added after/later to the Limelight and Highlife models only. It does not come factory installed on any models currently....The ACE is a Dealer add at time of instillation. The Hot Spot and Freeflow tubs will not support the ACE system.
Yes Waterboy...I agree that as a retailer I would like to be able to order a tub with all "Options" factory installed as this would make our Install crew very happy! Tho It takes very little time to install the ACE but the stereo system does get more involved and installing the "Chiller" Heat pump is very involved and takes quite a bit of time. But on the flip side its great that we can also sell/pitch the fact that options such as the ACE and Stereo is pretty much plug and play and anyone including a DIY owner can simply install the options at a later date. Hotspring does a fine job of making these options very easy for the DIY person as they give excellent instructions with photos of all steps to aid in the simple install and when it comes to installing the stereo's they have installed clear vinyl tubing to all points of access with a fluorescent pink pull string already installed to simply aid in pulling in your speaker wires. I've installed many myself and have it down to roughly and hour start to finish for the stereo and 15 minutes for the ACE.

As far as the "Hating" comment goes....I'll agree that this thread has been very mild regarding the bashing back and forth (Thank You) but not so much in other threads on this same topic...Lets keep it a clean fight!

Comparing brands=MY experience with Jacuzzi and Sundance....Good products, I've owned two Jacuzzis with no issues and one Sundance Optima with many issues...Sundance being a great company stood behind the Tub and eventually replaced it with a new one after a few years of warranty repairs. That's why I still push Sundance as a "Good" company to buy and own...They have my respect....BUT...Even tho they replaced my tub I "The owner" was responsible for Labor for removal, Shipping and reinstallation labor...all this added up at just under $1000 expense to me. Here's a BIG difference, HS will pay all labor and shipping for warranty replacement at a ZERO cost to the customer.

Water Care= I've always burned the candle on both ends personally and often get side tracked enough to forget about water care on my hot tubs...with that said you can imagine what happens to my water after a few weeks or more of zero attention...yeah..YUK! And this lack of water care is across the board with any tub including my first HS Vista. But now that I own the ACE I no longer have any water care issues what so ever regarding not touching it for a few weeks or even a month. I never add any chemicals other than the PH down a few times and I'm at 6 months now with the original water in it clean and fresh like it was just filled. Only time will tell as to how long my salt cell will last but when it fails...I will replace it and justify the cost with its tremendous water care that the ACE has provided me. This Is my personal experience and not an "Opinion" nor an "I think" situation. I'm not trying to sell anyone here...We don't sell online and obviously this person is not in my territory to sell. Just to keep the record straight...I have owned my HS Vista High Life tub for 7 years before ever getting into the Hot Tub Sales with HS (roughly six months now) and I have loved all my tubs along the way (LA Spa, Coleman/Maxx, 2 Jacuzzi's, Sundance and now 2 Hot Spring Spas)...Never thought I would like a tub more than my Jacuzzi's when I owned them but owning both...I personally prefer HS for my own reasons. Not everyone does nor will...to each their own. I'm sorry but have no experience with LazyBoy or Master Spas to give an opinion...I am only stating what I know from my experience of owning.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2014, 02:40:10 pm »
This was all I was commenting on regarding "haters"..   

 I suggest you talk with your knowledgeable local sales rep to give you the full run down on its capabilities and limitations...don't expect any "fair" responses from the haters on this site.  Haters can say what they want but the bottom line is the ACE has allowed us to increase sales exponentially over the last 3 years and make a lot of happy customers in the process.


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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2014, 07:36:44 pm »
Thank to all of you, I purchased to HS Envoy today. Went with the salt system, (lots of lovers and haters, no problem). Part of the sale was I have a HS dealer 2 miles from me. They have been there over 27 years, I believe that dealer longevity says a lot. Once again thanks to all, have a great day, thanks Jerry.

Water Boy

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2014, 09:39:09 pm »
Congrats on your new spa Jerry! You will enjoy it! Be sure to share pics, and share your feedback on the Ace system!
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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Re: Hotsprings Envoy qustion
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2014, 09:39:09 pm »


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