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Author Topic: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer  (Read 11291 times)


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2004, 07:06:12 pm »
The jets have been popping off ever since i've owned the tub, they are still popping off and i've even had the plastic seals replaced. as for the cover they wanted me to take a picture of it and bring it in to them to see it first before they order me a new cover.  I told them I didn't have a digital camera, so they said they would come out and take a look at it.  Well its been about 3 weeks now and still no one has come out to see the cover...

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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2004, 07:06:12 pm »


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2004, 07:09:45 pm »
I'd probably call them back.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2004, 07:12:34 pm »
I have, I've been going in there every week when I get my water tested, and I get told the same thing.  We will be down sometime this week....
hmmm thats one hell of a long week!


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2004, 07:23:12 pm »
Then you should be calling the main office and telling them your dealer is not servicing you and you want someone to help you resolve the issue.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2004, 04:15:19 am »
As far as manufacturing goes, Jacuzzi has the advantage because they have ISO9000 Certification. I used to sell Beachcomber and I think it is a great product as well. If the Beachcomber dealer is telling you that the Jacuzzi product is a low end tub, they are dead wrong and are probably worried about losing your business. Is the Jacuzzi dealer putting down the Beachcomber tub as a Home Depot, low end product? TEST SOAK before buying and if the dealer is making you feel uncomfortable then perhaps that is also something that should enter into your decision.


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2004, 09:36:52 am »
As far as manufacturing goes, Jacuzzi has the advantage because they have ISO9000 Certification.

That's right... and I'm sure that means that there is never any problems. ??? yeahhhh

I don't think anyone is selling a spa and telling their customers that it will be trouble free forever. Well... maybe Jordy... ;) cause it has ISO9000 certification ya know.  ;D

So, can we all conclude Jordy that what your saying is that if you purchase a spa with this certification, problems are eliminated? You might want to be more specific with your last post.

Can you tell me why Jacuzzi needs a warranty then? It sounds like it should never need any repairs. ???

Not that it matters.... Kluzo alreay purchased a Beachcomber! And with no ISO certification with it either. :o Whoda thunk it ;D ?

« Last Edit: June 19, 2004, 10:04:02 am by Steve »


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2004, 04:55:32 pm »
ISO 9000 means only that the spas are all manufactured the same way. It does NOT mean that they are manufactured correctly. It is just a marketing tool.


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2004, 06:52:21 pm »
It is not just a marketing tool, it is a sales tool. This ISO stuff started out in Europe and I have looked into this for my own company. The only thing I could see is money grab all over it. My company is not ISO certified and never will be and it has not affected my sales one bit. The program is a great thing for lager companies like Jacuzzi because they are involved in more then just Hot Tubs were as Beachcomber (as far as I can tell) only manufacter one product..... Yup... Hot Tubs.


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2004, 03:55:53 pm »
Hey Steve, as you know, ISO9000 Certification is certainly not a guarantee that you will never have any problems, but it does ensure for the consumer that there is a certain standard and consistency w/respect to manufacturing the final product. This, I think is a good thing for consumers. As you and I both know, ISO9000 at least shows consumers that the manufacturer is being held to some sort of standard. I think that is a good thing, don't you agree? It is also a feature that counters the "High Quality" claims that are made by some companies that have very low provable quality controls in their manufacturing processes, to the detriment of consumers.


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2004, 04:39:30 pm »
I agree 100% Jordy that any regulations that prevent problems are important. I do believe however that every major manufacturer has these in place regardless of this certification.

As an example, we run all of our spas 3 times prior to leaving the factory to prevent nuisance issues on start-up. There's nothing worse is there?

ISO 9001:2000, the requirement standard, includes the following main sections:

Quality Management System
Management Responsibility
Resource Management
Product Realization
Measurement Analysis and Improvement
What does it mean to me?
In order to use ISO 9000 to the fullest in helping you to manage your organization's processes there are a number of steps to take:

first you need to define what you do and how your organization goes about its business,
then capture this in a documented system,
and you have to do what you say you do,
then make sure you do it effectively,
and lastly demonstrate this to your stakeholders through registration.

I believe ANY watchdog process is a good thing and can only benefit our customers but to suggest that a spa with this certification is the answer to all problems, was a little tough to swallow. Your quote was"As far as manufacturing goes, Jacuzzi has the advantage because they have ISO9000 Certification."

Does this mean that your standards are superior than others laid out by the individual manufacturers? That's debatable until we all know exactly what systems are in place, right? I'm not knocking it because I don't know all there is to know but by the same token, if you don't understand our process, I suggest you find out before assuming one set of standards is far better than another, right? Just some thoughts..

For some clarity Jordy, this minor problem with the Waterways jets wasn't realized until they had some amount of time in the field and under usage conditions for a period of time.

This wasn't something missed at the factory level.  I want to make sure you are very clear on that.
Beachcomber and Waterways did a great job in correcting this problem and that's what makes a quality company. It's not about selling a product that has certifications or claims that it will need fewer repairs because of it, but rather how a company deals with problems once they do occur. A sign of a company dedicated to their customers and Beachcomber is all about that!

« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 04:45:20 pm by Steve »


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2004, 12:54:35 pm »
Hey Steve... Couldn't agree with you more on your last post. As I've mentioned previously, I have sold Beachcomber in the past and believe it to be a quality product backed by a great organization. Having said that, I think that you'd agree that there are companies in the marketplace that don't take the same degree of care in their manufacturing process as Beachcomber does and it's very difficult for consumers to tell the difference. That's why I think that having some sort of designation with respect to manufacturing standards is helpful to consumers when they are considering purchasing a hot tub.


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Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2004, 01:06:06 pm »
Having an ISO standard does show that a manufacturing company is following specified guidelines. NOT having a standard in place does not mean a company is running haphazardly. In reality, not having the standard in place gives you no sign, good or bad, about how the plant is run. I'd certainly prefer to see it in place if I'm a consumer looking to purchase but I wouldn't discount another spa maker for not having it. Maybe it would be the tiebreaker if I were torn on a decision of what to buy.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Jacuzzi or Beachcomer
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2004, 01:06:06 pm »


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