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ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
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Topic: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet? (Read 22906 times)
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ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
April 30, 2012, 09:30:34 pm »
We're getting close on pulling the trigger on our first spa. We've got what I consider to be a pretty decent price on a ECCO L460, but there is such a lack of personal reviews out there it bothers me a bit. Any thoughts on quality, durability etc. now that they've been around for a few years?
Also comparing to a Sundance Hamilton, a HS Envoy, or a Hot Spot Tempo. All at a higher purchase price, but with obviously more history to rely on.
Hot Tub Forum
ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
April 30, 2012, 09:30:34 pm »
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Posts: 738
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #1 on:
April 30, 2012, 11:09:57 pm »
Read here to find out why you should pass up the ECCO spa:
[Edited - Don't really want to link to another hot tub forum] -
Feel free to relate what you read.
Price wise, the Envoy will be at the top of the price tier followed by the Hamilton and Tempo, respectively.
Due to that price tier, I would rate them that way in regards to features, energy efficiency, & warranty.
Don't decide on price though, decide on what you like. For goodness sake... test soak!
The ECCO line just looks plain awful.
Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 07:00:15 am by wmccall
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Posts: 12
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #2 on:
May 01, 2012, 09:48:58 am »
without the link, could you paraphrase? I was considering an ECCO spa from watson's early on in my search and could find little information online regarding them and their other inhouse brands.
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Posts: 738
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #3 on:
May 02, 2012, 12:00:18 am »
Okay, from what I know, they are not very good about showing off the warranty, which is always a red flag. It is a private label brand made for certain big box retailers, which also means that you will lack service... gaureenteed.
That link I did post had problems with equipment right from the get go with little service to support their new tubs. I'm not saying that all the tubs I have personally seen work perfect right out of the gate, but at least they have all the parts to get them working the same day.
Lastly, I will post a link to
this forum
regarding the manufacturer of ECCO, which is Dynasty.,15668.0.html
started by wmccall today (5/1/2012)
However, back to my original point to the OP. You are looking at spas all over the place. It really is about what you want... just don't buy a piece of crap. There are plenty of good options at all price points, but it sounds like you haven't really narrowed down what is really important to you. Fair to say?
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Posts: 5
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #4 on:
May 02, 2012, 12:25:29 am » a point. It's just the two of us now, but I don't want a super small tub. I don't want a party tub. Lights and music aren't necessary I'm in it for me, not the party.
I know that I want a model with a circulation pump, I prefer 2 pumps over 1, I want an ozone system, and I don't want to work on it all the time.
We have 0% 48 month financing from the "big box store" with the Ecco and Sundance models. That alone is the only reason I'd even keep them in consideration. I know that I'll be at the mercy of an off-site service provider b/c the store farms all that out. I guess I'm flipping a coin and gambling that the free financing is enough to make my uncomfort fade to the back a bit.
We've pretty much eliminated the Ecco at this point simply b/c no one seems to have a history on them. I expect my purchase to be still keeping me soaked for the next ten years or better...and the good kind of soaking!
We've looked over a Hot Springs Envoy and Vanguard, and are looking for a dealer with Sundance's Certa & Hamilton on the floor. trigger pulled yet, and many more hours to devote to forum reading it seems.
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Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #5 on:
May 02, 2012, 12:57:31 am »
I recently purchased a tempo and so far everythings been great. Plenty of room and jet power.
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Posts: 1
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #6 on:
July 04, 2012, 11:35:28 pm »
Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 03:53:53 am by jokersoaker1
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Posts: 1
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #7 on:
August 10, 2012, 11:31:38 pm »
I've read the post for Ecco and many other spa's. I can honestly say that I have not found one brand that does not have its issue's! I've seen a lot of people that mention a "Test Soak", I have not been able to locate a spa dealer in Western PA that has a tub full of water which is heated. I had one dealer tell me that I could test soak a marquis tub, but they did not have the heater hooked up?? WTF!! You would think that when you are looking at hot tubs that are the price of a decent used car, you could test drive one of these tubs! However that is not the case. So, I have purchased a Ecco L460, and will gladly post my experiences with this spa (Hopefully, ALL GOOD). Call me the guinea pig, but someone has to put something out here on the InterWEB with some reviews on this brand. Peace and wish me luck;-)
Junior Member
Posts: 8
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #8 on:
March 02, 2014, 09:22:08 pm »
Just curious if you had any luck. My wife and I have been looking. She's in love with an Ecco but I'm thinking sundance, jacuzzi or marquis.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: ECCO spas...any history with them out there yet?
Reply #8 on:
March 02, 2014, 09:22:08 pm »
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