Sorry folks, I have been very busy and also enjoying my Tub. I ended up getting a good deal on a Hot Springs Hot Spot Relay, with a good dealer. I have been working this project since beginning of April. Hot Tub was delivered around 30 April 2014.
- Had to move shed
- prepped foundation
- 4 x 12" footers at 42"deep for NE freeze line
- set sand & gravel foundation
- leveled with retaining wall blocks
- had existing concrete patio leveled like mud jacking but with foam
- laid over 350 14x14x2 pavers
- built cross between "lean too", "shed", and a "Pergola" 10'X12'
While doing this I also had to rebuild my 1000gal pond (still not finished), wait on weather to cooperate, set up my blow up (intex easy set) pool for the kids, work and travel for work, vacation (not really but went away with family), then add in all the other things life throws at us. I will add some pictures but I hope to have some better pictures this fall after grass has been filled back in. Plus I want to add a roof and get outdoor marine grade curtains for use in cold NE winters. I know they are not as bad as some but -10F is COLD.
Sorry again that this took so long and I appreciate all the great advise. I love my "Relay".
For those looking, the Relay is allot bigger than I thought it would be and a 2014 model under $5,500 was an obtainable goal.
Ok so it will not let me add pictures... What's up with that
