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Author Topic: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error  (Read 8153 times)


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2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« on: December 11, 2010, 01:09:50 pm »
I received the flashing Flo error (flashes between Flo and temperature) and the heater is turned off. I had this same error message about 3 or so weeks ago and after several attempts of "priming" the circulation pump, the error message went away. Now the error has returned. I have removed the filters and still get this message. I tried to prime it again twice (garden hose shoved down the suction pipe where filter is) to no avail yet. Currently I have the tub off to see if something resets but dont have my hopes up. I know it can be the flo switch or the circulation pump or worst case the circuit board... any suggestions? Any better troubleshooting techniques? Its winter and the tub needs to be working! :-) Thanks for your help!

Hot Tub Forum

2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« on: December 11, 2010, 01:09:50 pm »


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Re: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2010, 10:50:45 pm »
When we first set up our tub, it flashed the FLO message and wouldn't heat.  I tried all the usual priming techniques without success, so I finally pulled the cover and loosened the union closest to the filter housing.  It gurgled and spit, then flowed... it had an air bubble that wouldn't go away any other way. 

We've since dumped and refilled a half dozen times, and while we've seen the FLO message a few moments after energizing the system, it soon goes away on its own.  There's been a few times where I got the FLO message with the hose in the filter housing, perhaps because it was shoving a bunch of air in with the water.  Left on it's own, it recovered.

You may need to pull an access cover & loosen your unions until they leak nothing but water.

Good luck!


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Re: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2010, 11:53:51 am »
You probably have a bad circulation pump.  They are about $200 and are easy to replace.


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Re: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2010, 11:28:05 am »
Your flow switch is a magnetic "sail" switch that is physically closed by the moving water.  No moving water = a flashing FLO.  The flo switch is located at the upper right EQ panel and is transparent so you can see the magnetic finger that closes the connection when the water passes through.  Find out why there is NO water passing through and you have found your problem. 
scenario #1, clogged or dirty filter restricting adequate water, solution remove the filter and see if it changes. 
scenario #2, check the "grid" screen at the filter suction fitting inside the filter bay for collected debris, i.e. leaves etc. blocking suction, solution is to clean grid screen.
scenario #3 still no water flow, put your hand on the circ pump and see if it is 1) working, 2) hot to touch, 3) no water flow, solution = a)air lock, b) suction blockage, c) impellar debris inside

The "flo" switch is preventing the heater operation because of "lack of, or low water flow"
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2016, 09:13:25 am »
Hi all
any final solution here?

Have the same problem.

Flo is flashing, jet pump 2 is running ot cool the pool down I assume.
Can not press any button any more

Changes Flo Switch, testet it also with ohmmeter.
Testet circulation pump, is ok.

I have the problem only when sun in summer is shining on the spa.

looks more like a temp problem.

Any hints?


Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2003 Sundance Altamar Flo Error
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2016, 09:13:25 am »


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