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Author Topic: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date  (Read 4727 times)


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Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« on: June 21, 2004, 04:05:05 pm »
Recent questions here got me to wondering. (I bought off the floor so it didn't apply to me. )  I know this isn't unique to spas, but it can be frustrating making a major purchase and not getting delivery for months.

What do you guys do to give a customer a delivery date? Do you call the factory for every order?  Or do you go by how long recent shipments take?  How often is the actual delivery more than a week longer that what you first quote?  Those of you who handle more than one brand, is one manufacturer better than others?  I imagine it also might be seasonal. And there are probably other factors I haven't considered.

I would guess that if people are torn between two similar models, they might pick the one that can be delivered faster.  Does that factor into your estimate?
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Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« on: June 21, 2004, 04:05:05 pm »


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2004, 04:20:50 pm »
Another consideration...
Do you wait to get several sales before requesting shipment?


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2004, 07:58:21 pm »
Another consideration...
Do you wait to get several sales before requesting shipment?

Great point, I could see where that would be a consideration.
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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2004, 09:24:35 pm »
Many dealers back stock a couple of the top models to be able to delver faster but usually it is hard to stock everyone’s personal preference for color and options so they are ordered to the customers wants.

Most manufactures take 2 to 3 weeks to build a spa if they don't have it in stock and then the dealer is at the mercy of the shipping department to get them a truck. A good dealer often waits to actually take possession of the spa before scheduling delivery so as not to make promises on things out of their control and has quite a juggling act to keep everything flowing smoothly. Yes season can have a lot to do with this as the factory is more likely to have models built and in stock at slower times. Selling a floor model is not always the answer either as then your without that model to show and sell off of.

I do know dealers that carry small portable spas to set out temporary for the customers that need the spa immediately but this can become costly.

The best scenario is to keep the customer informed of timeline and don’t over promise. This works best with a good relationship between the customer and the salesperson so that everyone fully understands needs and abilities.

No dealer wants to draw the process out any longer than necessary, especially if they take a partial payment upfront and then have to wait until delivery for the balance.  

Here is a thought for you; Imagine working with several dealers on several brands for a living and having to choose between them for your personal spa!


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2004, 10:36:55 pm »
I have it pretty good in this regard: I am just a couple of hours' drive from the factory, and HotSpring can have tubs ready for me in 48 hours - with occasional glitches for out-of-stock parts or materials.

I don't usually go to the trouble of making a trip unless I have at least three to pick up, and I can't carry more than 9 on my truck and trailer - ten if they are all small - so I go just about every week.

My guys can deliver two per day, three if one of them is just a 'drop and run,' such as a construction site or similar.

I go to Vista just about every Thursday, since my truck driver hurt his shoulder and back, and won't be driving for a few more months. He loves it when I drive, because things get fixed on the truck much faster...

We occasionlly get backed up on delivery dates, and have to put off a delivery for a couple of weeks, but for us, the norm is: buy this weekend, soak next weekend.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2004, 01:21:11 am by Chas »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2004, 12:57:28 am »
At any given time we stock between 20 to 30 Spas.  At  certain times of the year we have more than that.
We know our best sellers and what seems to be the most popular color combo's(that changes from year to year)
We are always adding to our order down at Coleman, but if we're well stocked and they pick a spa in the color combo we don't have, it ocassionally can take up to 4 weeks to get here.
When that's the case it's hard to give an exact date as so many things can interfer in the shipping date. Because of our location we won't ship without at least 6 spas on the truck. When the customer is aware of the situation they are in the position to either take a different color and get it soon or wait patiently!
If we have the Spa it's a cake walk. We work with a great electrician and he'll usually get to our installs as soon as we need him.
Last week I sold a spa on tuesday at 3:00pm, ran over did the site inspection with the electricain at 5:30pm and the spa was in delivered by 10:00am the next day(I wish they all worked that way)
We don't stock as many spas at the end of the year so we don't have so many hold overs going into the next year.
I always prefer selling a spa from stock rather than from the floor. It's a lot of work moving the showroom around, and no matter how long the spa has been there the customer thinks it's been used hard and should get a smoking deal on it.  And of course..they do!


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2004, 01:09:16 am »
As Chas and others mentioned being out here on the west coast makes  turn around time much quicker.....while also allowing for a will call option...since many manufactures are located here local...Catalina...Hot Springs/Watkins....Sundance....Jacuzzi....D-1....Marquis...Cal Spas..La Spas among others...but shipping to the mid west....east cost can easily add a week or more...and also a dealer may have to wait for a driver to get a full load for the area they are in....As Stuart mentioned it is always best when a dealer does not over promise and keeps the customer aware of the time line for their delivery....


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2004, 07:36:08 am »
Just to add my 2 pennies into the mix ...I work in import/export for an electrical distributor in the UK, and I know that when we import from the states....taking into consideration customs at both ends, and sea freight shipping time, delivery for us is normally about 6-8 weeks. So, although not quite the same, I would imagine that if a dealer in the UK hasn't got a model in stock, or has to special order for you, you're probably looking at around the same kind of delivery time.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2004, 07:48:41 am by saz »


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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2004, 07:42:21 am »
and no matter how long the spa has been there the customer thinks it's been used hard and should get a smoking deal on it.  And of course..they do!

Gopod information everyone. at times its great we have such a mix of buyers,owners,dealers here.  My dealer was pretty clear to me how long my model was on the floor and that it has never had water in it after it left the factory.  A few sat in it dry, but I considered it new.  There was one leak in the waterfall control when we hooked it up. The dealer said that was because salesman frequently took that control apart to show buyers how the spa worked.  He replaced the seal and it has been fine since.
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Re: Nuther question 4 dealers - delivery date
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2004, 07:42:21 am »


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