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Author Topic: Flash FL1 error code fixed  (Read 30078 times)


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Flash FL1 error code fixed
« on: December 21, 2012, 05:35:47 pm »
Hey out there, new guy says hello...

OK, now the important stuff

A flashing FL1 on a Sundance spa usually is caused when the flow switch does not close when the small 24 hour pump is on. This is a dangerous condition because the heater could over heat due to the lack of water flow though it. Here's a pic of the very common flow switch -

See the little round "lolly pop" on the right? That has to move and touch the round post on the left anytime the spa power is on after the initial start up sequence. If it does not you get the flashing FL1

My problem was after buying a used spa and having it delivered I was getting the flashing FL1 Looking inside the pump area, I found that the large pumps are not mounted firm to the spa base board, but "float" with rubber feet attached to the pump base plate. When the spa was moved, it was done with the pump cavity facing down. This allowed the clear 3/4" hose that feeds the small pump to fall under the large pump. When the spa was set back down level the large pump base came to rest on the clear hose and flattened it. As soon as I removed the hose from under the large pump the problem was fixed. So, this is easy to check on your spa. Just remove the pump area side panel. Follow the 3/4" clears hose(s) back from the flow switch and make sure they have not gotten under the a pump. In my 2005 Palermo, it was the large pump on the left.

I hope this helps some of my fellow spa users...


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Flash FL1 error code fixed
« on: December 21, 2012, 05:35:47 pm »


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 05:49:32 pm »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 06:08:08 pm »
     Only thing is if the flow switch is not working the heater will not come on.    Everything else was good info for masses!   


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 06:18:38 pm »
Thanks for the pic of the flow switch...my flow switch has the arm(lollipop) completely touching the post - from what I see here..I get an immediate FL1 no matter what I do because the flow switch is pooched. I get no water circulation yet the power is on.  I think I will replace the flow switch and the temp sensor (having temp issues as well).  Thanks for your help!!


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2014, 10:48:15 pm »
Thanks for the pic of the flow switch...my flow switch has the arm(lollipop) completely touching the post - from what I see here..I get an immediate FL1 no matter what I do because the flow switch is pooched. I get no water circulation yet the power is on.  I think I will replace the flow switch and the temp sensor (having temp issues as well).  Thanks for your help!!

#1 what is pooched?

If there is no water flow, and the power is on, sounds like the circ pump is not working.  Check for voltage going to the circ pump at the circuit board, and then put your hand on the circ pump to see if it is hot.  if it is not working, this would be the source of a temp problem as the heater will not come on.

Do any of your other functions work?  P1 or P2?
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2014, 04:59:44 pm »
nothing works...the circ pump was replaced 3-4 months ago. When I flip in the power I immediately get an FL1 (blinking) - nothing comes on including the circulation pump. Even with no power to the tub, the flow switch is making contact.  When I turn on the tub...the flow switch stays in contact. I tried to attach a picture but I can send one - shouldn't the flow switch separate when the power is off?

Thanks for your comments BTW.

P.S I did get FLo errors about two weeks ago but they went away.  I am having issues with my temp sensor and was about to replace it anyway when the FL1 happened 2 days ago and would not go away.  Usually when I get an FL1 - it is the filter or the circ pump however when those issues happened, turning on the tub at least started the pump and the jets would work.


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2014, 10:43:55 pm »
nothing works...the circ pump was replaced 3-4 months ago. When I flip in the power I immediately get an FL1 (blinking) - nothing comes on including the circulation pump. Even with no power to the tub, the flow switch is making contact.  When I turn on the tub...the flow switch stays in contact. I tried to attach a picture but I can send one - shouldn't the flow switch separate when the power is off?

Thanks for your comments BTW.

P.S I did get FLo errors about two weeks ago but they went away.  I am having issues with my temp sensor and was about to replace it anyway when the FL1 happened 2 days ago and would not go away.  Usually when I get an FL1 - it is the filter or the circ pump however when those issues happened, turning on the tub at least started the pump and the jets would work.
There are 2 "Flo" error messages.  1is a flashing flow message when flow switch does not close making a magnetic connection recognized by the circuit board protecting the heater because of no water flow.  The second error code is when the flow switch does not open when it should which is a "solid flo message" and nothing works. 

It appears you have a flow switch failure that is not opening.  To trouble shoot this issue remove the sensor loom at the top center of the circuit board and put it back on.  There are two plastic pins on either side of the loom/plug that move to the left and right to unseat the plug, then put it back on. The circuit board will recognize this as an open message, and your functions will work once again.  This only proves you have a bad flow switch that needs to be replaced.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 11:36:08 pm »
Thank you for your help!  I will re-verify the flow switch.  I agree with your comments.  I'll post the results.  Thanks again!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Flash FL1 error code fixed
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 11:36:08 pm »


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