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Author Topic: Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working  (Read 4618 times)


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Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:43:09 pm »
I have a Sundance Altamar, got it used (2005) a week ago. It has the 850 controller. Just moments ago, the first pump stopped working. It will not turn on. Second pump works fine as does the air injector. The display does show the first pump icons, and I do hear a 'click' sound when I press the button. It is frigid cold here in Boston, but I've been using the spa the last few days in these temps with no issues. There are no error codes related to the cold, or any error codes of any sort.

What is my next step? Call in a service technician?


Hot Tub Forum

Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:43:09 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 06:02:18 pm »
 If your handy you can follow where pump one connects to the circuit board, then follow where pump two is hooked up, should be right by it..  Unhook pump two and hook up pump one to where pump two connects. Then turn the power back on and  hit pump 2 if the pump comes on it's something other than a bad pump.   

  You could also hook pump 2 where pump one goes and see if it works.. If it does most likely a pump.     Pump one is probably a 2 spd?

 If your not handy or don't want to deal with it, call a tech.   Prolly looking at a 5 to 700 dollar bill for a tech.  A pump should run you around 350 and up if you do it yourself.       


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Re: Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 02:57:19 am »
I am having a problem with a hot spot hot tub by hot springs. When I try to go from low speed to hi speed the pump just makes a humming sound for about 3 seconds then it doesn't turn. So I hit the button to turn on the second pump which only has a high speed controlling anlou half if the jets. Any suggestions?


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Re: Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 02:03:47 pm »
Fishman and Bluejumper, your symptoms point to the start capacitor.  It gives the pump a kick start when first energizied on, otherwise you will only hear it humm without rotation. 

IF you were to take a flexible wire, or cord and lace it through, and then back around the impeller/motor shaft, when you activate the pump on, pull on the cord to rotate the impellar/shaft.  This will begin the rotation and the electrical field will begin to operate the motor.  If this is successful, and considering the freezing temps, program your spa for continious 24 hr operation until the capacitor is replaced.

The icon tells you you are sending electric to the motor, so don't mess with changing the connections to other applications. 

Your problem is the start capacitor which is the smaller of the 2 humps on the motor, or it is enclosed in the tail end of the motor.  A tech should have a capacitor tester that would confirm the diagnosis, but your symptoms are confirmed by the humm which is a common failure.

You have 2 options, change the start capacitor, or change the motor (which is still good).
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance 850 - pump #1 stopped working
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 02:03:47 pm »


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